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This is just my take on a tomboys personality, and this does not mean change your personality at all, I just mean that to be a tomboy, you might act like this.

Everyone says that tomboys can't laugh as much as a "girly girl."

NO! Laugh as much as you want! But please, don't giggle, it ruins the whole tomboy look. My point is laugh as much as you want, but no giggling, that's just stupid. Sorry if I offended anyone.

Most tomboys have this quality with them:

They are as immature as the boys. I know I am, but you know, just don't go overboard with that whole thing. By immature I mean like dirty minded, or laughing at other peoples misfortune.

A tomboy more or less walks and talks like a boy. Tomboys have this walk, you know like a guys does. Tomboys talk a certain way too. By talking I mean tomboys generally have a deep voice, like to the point where over the phone people think they are guys, and this is speaking from experience. Tomboys' vocabulary is also like a boys. They say words like man, bro, dude, and hey.

There is also this certain nod boys do, like when they say "'Sup," they nod, well tomboys tend to do that to.

Well, this is all I could say about a tomboys personality, I hope this helps! :)

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