I got tagged

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Hooray, I got tagged.

Well, I better get this over with.

1. What is your Zodiac?I'm a proud Aries

2. What is your age? I'm 13

3. When is your birthday? March 29, 2003

4. What is your home screen wallpaper?

 What is your home screen wallpaper?

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Oh wait that's my lock screen.

My home screen looks like this:

My home screen looks like this:

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I know, I'm weird.

5. What is your favorite anime?

This is a tough one.

I love SAO, Your Lie in April, Naruto, FairyTail, and Avatar.

Yeah, those are my favorite anime's.

6. Do you read manga? I've read all the Avatar Manga's. I'm reading the Naruto Manga's. That's about it.

7. How did you discover Wattpad? My friend KIttyRibbon talked about it a lot. I just got curious.

8. Do you have a talent? I guess I'm okay at playing piano. I am also very funny.

9. Are you a boy or a girl? I'm a girl.

10. What country or state do you live in?
I'm a proud Californian. I live in LA.

11. Can you speak other languages? I speak fluent English (Hello!) Armenian (բարև) and I fully understand Spanish, but I can't respond very well lmao

12. Do you have any pets? I have the cutest dog. I love my dog.


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13. Do you have to share a room with siblings? I have to share a room with my brother.

14. How many siblings do you have? Just one, hopefully.

15. Fav food? I love sushi, and an Armenian dish called tolma.

16. Best school subject? History. Definitely history.

17. Ever gotten detention or suspension? I got detention once. I cursed at this bitch at school named Claudia on Instagram. I don't take back a single word I said to her.

18. Worst school subject? Science. Definitely science.

19. What time is it now? 4:04 pm

20. What is your favorite color? Any shade of blue.

I tag:

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