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"Everyone deserves a happy ending." -Ginnifer Goodwin

The wind blew in Princess Rose's face, as she rode a white horse down the wooden bridge to exit the palace.
She had to see her true love, Prince Augustus, again. The last time she had seen him was three days ago, when she still lived as a peasant in a cottage in the woods.
But now that she found out she was under an evil sleeping spell, she had to find the prince to warn him he may never see her again.
Once she reached the woods, it looked slightly different than usual. The usual bright green trees were now dark and looming, blocking the sky. The woodland animals were gone.
"Augustus!" Rose called out to the empty woods, her desperate voice seeming to bounce off the tall trees, causing a creepy echo.
Rose wasn't worried much. Although she was a princess, she was able to take care of herself. When she was thirteen and living as a peasant, she secretly snuck out to the woods and the prince would teach her how to fight.
It had been three years, and she and the prince still continued to meet.
The leaves rustled in the wind, a cool breeze blowing in Rose's face. She ignored it, for it was only the innocent wind. It could not harm her.
She was wrong.
The wind blew harder, and her hood of her cloak fell off her head. The trees swayed in the violent breeze, and rain poured from the sky, now filled with clouds.
Rose fought the wind to go deeper into the forest. This terrible weather was not enough to stop her from going to her prince.
Suddenly, the dirt in the ground rumbled and cracked, and before Rose was able to call out for help, she fell through the hole.
Inside the hole, there were no tree roots or ridges or rocks to hang on to in order to keep her from falling. Just dirt and darkness.
Rose didn't scream. She knew no one would hear her.
The perfect circle at the top of the hole had been somehow filled, so Rose could not see the woods anymore. Is there no landing? Rose thought to herself.
Indeed, there was. She felt herself slam against a hard concrete ground, eyes closed.
Once she opened her eyes, she realized she was in a place never seen before. It was a small village, filled with other people wearing strange clothes walking down the strange street. Peculiar coloured vehicles zoomed down a road, bright lights flashing from them.
It was nighttime in this little town. A serious looking teenage girl walked up to Rose, lying on the sidewalk. This girl was dressed in all blue, her blonde hair twisted in an updo.
"My name is Ella," she said. She held out her hand for Rose to take. Rose grabbed her hand and hoisted herself up. "Thank you."
Ella's serious face did not change. "Welcome to Witchburn."

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