Chapter Ten: Wolves

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Congratulations erzaxxxx on being the first to vote on my previous chapter! Read this chapter for a surprise...

I stare at Garnet in awe, still unable to get over the fact that she's The Little Red Riding Hood. "Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?" I confirm. She shakes her head. "No," Garnet answers. "I know where Quinn is," she declares. Quinn? Garnet knows where Quinn is? I gasp in shock. "What? Where?" I jump, eager to find my best friend. Garnet tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear, pondering whether or not to tell me. "Well?" I say expectedly.
"Do you know about the magic bullets?" says Quinn. "Mm hm," I mumble, listening for more. "And you know how whoever survives it, is recruited to cure the world's sickness?" I nod. I've already heard all of this from Ella. "The fairy godmother," Garnet starts. "Quinn is with her in Antiques Galore. Apparently you've had a massive run - in with her, am I right?" she continues. Yup. Been there, done that. "The reason why she destroyed the Mir— uh— the Orb of Irredess, was because she didn't want the recruited to get exposed to the darkness..." she trails off, letting me figure out the rest. "Quinn is in the fairy godmother's antique shop!" I shriek.
But if the fairy godmother is so good, why is she hiding my best friend from me? My head becomes filled with questions, so many, that I explode in front of Garnet. My words sounded something like "HADOAHGETOHERIMSOWORRIEDWHYTHEFAYEEGOHMODDERHIDINGFRIENDSISQUINNOKAYIMSCAREDWHADOAHDO?"
Garnet winces, a bit stunned by my major eruption of emotions. "Um," she hesitates. "I'm not really sure. Ella doesn't really tell me much." Just great. "Then why did you bring me here? Get to the point!" I unleash. My head feels hot, as if someone burst my hair into flames. "Okay, okay!" Garnet groans. "I'm just saying, if you want the world to survive, you're going to have to start believing in fairy tales."
What? That does not help at all. I slouch out the room like a blob of slime. I wish there's at least one person in Witchburn who can at least answer me clearly.
Next week
Today is the first day at school for me at WHS. I walk, since Magisto Motel is only a few minutes away. WHS is really small. I could guess that there are about 150 students that attend. The building is about the size of the motel, except a tad bit smaller. Mind you, the motel isn't very big, either.
As I step into the path leading to the front doors, I catch a glimpse of Raven, who is leaning against a willow tree in front of the school. "Raven!" I call, running up to her. I refrain from calling her "Snow White," but it's a little hard considering what I've just experienced. She turns, her wide eyes searching the area for whoever said her name. When her focus stops on me, her face darkens a bit. I halt once I get to the willow tree, a tad bit out of breath. She blinks, her long lashes exaggerating her actions. "Bianca," she greets. To be honest, it's not really much of a greeting. "First day of school?" she inquires. "Yeah," I respond.
The school bell rings, and Raven nabs me by the wrist to drag me inside the school. "Don't worry, your locker is already assigned. Everything is covered. Your classes, teachers, books, so on," Raven babbles. "Oh, and I've gotten you some essentials, pencils, notebooks, pens, erasers, I don't think there's anything I've forgotten. Oh, and I have your schedule, your home room teacher emailed it to—" "Raven!" I interrupt. She pauses, mid sentence. She stares at me. "Thank you. It's very sister - like." I could tell that there is a tiny smile on her face. Then, she opens her leather shoulder bag and pulls out a sheet of paper. Handing it to me, she says, "your schedule. I printed it." I take it gratefully and read the first sentence on the list.
English. Room 80.
I fold the paper in half and slide it into my backpack along with Ella and Garnet's phone numbers. Striding down the hallway, I observe the posters and bulletin boards on the walls. It's just like any other high school, only with a minimal amount of students. Room 80. There it is! I peer into the window of the door, and there's a class of students my age sitting at desks. They're listening to a teacher rant about something. The teacher looks like my dad's age, and he is friendly looking enough. All the students are silent. I creak open the door, but the sound is louder than I expect.
All heads flip from the teacher to me. I take a sharp intake of air. "You must be Bianca!" he exclaims. I beam and nod a single time. Scanning the classroom, there's only one person I already recognize. Garnet is sitting in the second row near the front, waving at me wildly. There's an empty desk two seats away from her, an occupied spot in between us.
The rest of the students look ordinary enough. Are they all from the fairy tale world? I casually step down the walkway to the unoccupied desk, where there are books, pens, pencils, and erasers scattered on the table surface. The teacher points at me. "Welcome to Witchburn High School, Bianca! I'm your English, or, home room teacher, Mr. Beastzon," he introduces. I rest my hands on the surface of the desk, but clumsily knock over a notebook while in the process. The boy in between Garnet and I snickers. I glare at him. Who is he to laugh at a new girl, anyway?
Garnet shoots him a death stare, and he rolls his eyes smirks. The two of them seem to be having a silent facial - expression battle. Mr. Beastzon eyes the boy, a hint of frustration in his eyes. "Isaac!" he booms. I assume that Isaac is the guy who's pestering Garnet. His head sharply twists to face Mr. Beastzon. "Yes, sir?" Isaac says sarcastically. Mr Beastzon clears his throat, his cough echoing the room. He has an obvious ticked off expression. "Since you seem like a person to trust, why don't you show our new student around the school during your free period? I'll make sure your your other teachers know about it."
Isaac slumps against his seat, a soft groan escaping his lips. "Pfft. Fine," he spits. Mr. Beastzon recollects his friendliness, relaxing his arms by his sides. "Moving on," he continues. "We are going to resume our current lesson, which, hopefully, Bianca will be able to understand. If not, Isaac can teach her everything we've learned." Isaac stays silent. He clearly has a bit of a temper.
Mr. Beastzon rambles on about adjectives. Garnet discreetly passes a note to me, and I take the note, pretending to listen to the lesson. Peeking at the note, I read Garnets flamboyant handwriting. Mr. Beastzon is the Beast. Isaac is a wolf, his family killed my parents. Stay away from him, the note reads. I pick up a pen from my desk. Why? Is he going to eat me? I write, then slide the note back to Garnet. Mr. Beastzon or Isaac? she replies. I'm about to scribble my response, but my wrist jolts to the side when someone calls out Mr. Beastzon's name. I glance at Garnet, who's still and staring straight ahead. "Mr. Beastzon!" shouts Isaac. He smirks at me smugly. I crumple the note into a ball as fast as I could and shove it into my sweater pocket. Mr. Beastzon sighs and looks at Isaac. "What is it, boy?"
Way to throw me under the bus, Isaac. Seriously, why does this guy hate me so much? What have I ever done to him. "I'm sure we are all aware of the no passing notes rule in this class, are we?" Isaac says, standing up. My face turns red as he focuses his stare at me. Right when I'm about to get busted, he smiles at me. "I'm just making sure Bianca knows."
I let out a loud breath. He was just saying that to scare me.
For the rest of the English class, Isaac's wondering eyes are glued on me. I can't help but notice the way his hair dangles in his face like that...
No! Stop it! I think. Garnet says to stay away from him. And I will. I continue to listen to Mr. Beastzon's long lesson, blocking out my weird thoughts on Isaac.

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