April's Fool's! the GazettE Members x Reader

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Sorry I'm late! I have been so busy, it's almost murder!
Enjoy! ^ω^
Uruha yelled at the (h/c) haired young lady and the sleek black haired young man with a red streak in it. The two were running from the young man with messy blonde and brown hair.
"YOU SHOULD KNOW TO NEVER PLAY AROUND ME WITH MY ALCOHOL!" Uruha chased them in full speed around the house while holding the fake champagne bottle they gave him, it was filled with water and on the bottom of the bottle it said 'stayed hydrated'.
Ruki and (y/n) begged, banging on Reita's bedroom door.
"whyyyy can'ttttt I get aNY SLEEP AROUND HERE!?"
Reita yelled in frustration, slowly dragging himself to the door.
the door opened unexpectedly causing the two pranksters to fall into Reita's room.
"Owwww..." Ruki groaned in pain as (y/n) fell on him, elbow into his back.
the female demanded in a yell
Reita slammed the door before Uru could enter the room, the two sighed in relief and laid on the floor in exhaust.
"What the hell did you two do to piss him off so badly?" the bassist asked as he laid back down on his bed. Ruki nudged the young lady that laid on top of him to move
"Can you get off me?"
Ruki asked again while he repeatedly pushed her but she wouldn't move
"Yes, yes, yes! I'm getting up"
She answered, but she didn't move.
"April fool's." She said with a giggle
"Oh come on! Don't be cheap."
"I'm not being cheap!"
"Your joke was"
"Oh hush! It was brilliant!"
"The one with Uruha was brilliant. Now get off me! You're heavy!"
"Hey! That's rude!"
"I am ruder~!"
"Oh mi gosh!"
Ruki laughed at the way he annoyed (y/n). She pouted and got up off of him; however, she didn't step over him, she stepped on his arm in revenge, causing him to yell in pain.
"Reita," (y/n) laid down next to the forever dyed blonde on his bed
"What?" He said lazily.
She played with his hair until he got annoyed and threw a pillow over his head, blocking her off from his hair, the young lady laughed and took the pillow away and shook him to make him face her.
"I said what earlier..."
"Yeah, but you weren't looking at me." She said with a toothy smile. Reita blushed and hid his face.
"And you hide your face just when I'm going to tell you something" (y/n) said with a groan.
"Just tell me- I'm trying to get some sleep here" the blonde threw the blankets over him, completely covering himself.
"It's 9:20 in the morning Rei-chan!" Ruki hollered from the floor down by the foot of the bed
"Kay. So? I don't need to get up until 11:00" the lazy Rei-chan said.
"It's 5 after 11"
"I thought you said it was 20 after 9!?" he yelled from under the blankets
"April Fool's!" Ruki chuckled
"You and (y/n) are the same, childish!"
"I'm just messing with you. It's 10 after 12"
Reita sat up and threw a pillow harshly at Ruki. The sleek black haired youngster laughed and got up off the floor and walked over to Reita's nightstand, picking up the bassist's clock and tossing to him
"It's 10 after 12 like I said" the vocalist walked to the bedroom door, peeking out for a sign of the blonde and brown haired alcoholic.
"Why didn't you guys come and get me up earlier!?"
Reita said in a slightly angry tone
"You were too beautiful to disturb" the (h/c) haired grinned
"Coast is clear. Let's go."
Ruki grabbed (y/n) by her wrist and dragged her with him off to, gosh, who knows where, leaving Reita to get up and get dressed for the day.

"Hey Aoi-kun!" Ruki greeted Aoi who was sitting at the kitchen table, sipping on a cup of tea while reading a ROCK AND READ magazine.
"Stop with the 'kun' please!" Aoi said for the 100th time this week.
the blacked haired scoffed with a grin, he then walked over to the fridge for a bottle of water to drink; still holding (y/n)'s wrist with a life or death grip.
"Ruki, everything seems fine. I think you can let me go now." (y/n) said gently trying to free herself from Ruki's tight grasp she struggle to break from.
"What if Uruha finds us?"
"I'll be right behind you. Don't worry"
Ruki freed her from his hand and sat across from Aoi at the table
"Knock, knock!" A male with short black hair greeted with the brightest smile known to mankind.
"Kai-kun!" (y/n) greeted with a hug
"Good afternoon Aoi-ku-"
"Right, right. Good afternoon Aoi!"
Kai rephrased his greeting to the guitarist.
"Anyway, I came to drop off a little treat for you!" Kai sat a cake container down in front of Aoi.
"It's lemon sponge cake! Your latest favorite thing!" Kai winked at Aoi.
"Oh how nice! I can hardly wait!"
Aoi placed his hands on the container lid and lifted it off only to find a sight that made his eyebrows slant in anger.
Kai had literally made him a lemon sponge cake... a few sponges stacked on top of each other with a lemon on top. He turned to the black haired male, finding him grinning like an idiot.
Ruki started laughing, causing his water to come out of his nose. Kai & (y/n) started laughing along.
"April Fool's, Aoi-kun!" the drummer laughed out loudly.
"Now that's just plain stupid." Aoi stoically said, slamming the lid back on.
"He really made you a lemon sponge cake!" (y/n) added.
"Oh alright! You got me! Stop laughing!" the older male said in annoyance.
The three kept on laughing though. Aoi picked up the sponges and threw them at the laughing trio.
"Oh Aoi, don't get mad. It's just a little joke!" The (h/c) haired said patting his shoulder. He bitterly smiled and pushed her hand off his shoulder
"Don't take his anger to heart. He's just old and cranky" Ruki said, creating breathless giggles.
"Get outta here!" Aoi yelled angrily and threw the lemon at Ruki, hitting him in the chest making him yelp, (y/n) walked over to the vocalist and rubbed his chest while asking if he was okay. Kai, on the other hand, still had that silly grin plastered on his face. Aoi only got more annoyed, he grabbed a napkin from the stack that was in front of him and waddled it in a ball and threw it at the young (h/c) haired lady.
"Will you quit it out love birds!"
"Hey! We're not love birds!" She defended, placing her hands on her hips.
"Yeah, we're lovers" Ruki said flatly, earning himself a punch in the arm from his female friend.
"I ain't your lover!" She shouted at him and then walked out of the kitchen... and came right back in running and dragging the red streaked boy along with her, darting out the back door.

the GazettE Members x Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now