My Secret Love For You. Aoi x Reader

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I did way too much work today.
Time to unwind and write what's in my Gazetto mind.
Enjoy! ^ω^
It was a cold winter day. The skies were gray and cloudy, snow slowly falling from them, covering everything in white.
Many loved watching the snow fall from inside their homes out the window, and many loved playing in it.

Today, it was snowing, and that made a young (h/c) haired female happy.
"Ha! Got ya that time Aoi-san!"
(y/n) (l/n) shouted joyfully as she threw a snowball at her male friend, Aoi Shiroyama, hitting him for the countless time. While Aoi got her only 1 time.
"Not fair, (y/n)! I was making a snowball!" Aoi defended with a chuckle. (y/n) swung her arm back and threw another snowball at Aoi. Aoi dodged the hit by falling onto the cold snowy ground, he looked up and saw (y/n) bending down to the ground and making another snowball
'Now's my chance!'
Aoi thought. He shot himself up off the ground and quickly made a snowball, not noticing the little rock in the snow, then throwing it at her.
"Ow! Aoi! That was my head!"
She whined as Aoi accidentally hit her on her forehead.
"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hit you there!" Aoi apologized checking her forehead for any injuries.
"There's a bruise on your forehead. Did it hurt really bad?" Aoi asked concerned
"Yeah, it felt like a rock hit me.." (y/n) replied gently rubbing her forehead. Aoi apologized again and hugged her.
"We've been playing for almost an hour and a half. Let's go to your house and have some cocoa." Aoi said as he pulled from the hug and brushed (y/n) bangs out of her eye's (I don't know if you guys have bangs, but just go along with it)

Aoi's p.o.v.

I made (y/n), and myself a cup of cocoa. We sat in the living room and watched some t.v.
"Here you go, (y/n)" I said kindly as I handed her, her cup.
"Thanks, Aoi-san!" She sweetly replied. I sat down at the end of the couch then (y/n) spoke up
"You can sit next to me, Aoi"
She said patting the space next to her. I blushed and averted my eye's from her.
"Come on, Aoi. You can sit under the blanket with me~" she said lifting the blanket.
My I could feel my face heat up, blushed getting darker.
"O-okay" I nervously scooted next to her under the blanket.
"See, there. I don't bite." She chuckled. I glanced at her and saw her bright smile.
'I wonder... is it a good time to bring it up?'
I thought, thinking about tomorrow.
"So... um..," I began nervously.
"You know... tomorrow's holiday dance.. who are you going to take?" I asked carefully.
"I was going to take Ruki"
'Ruki.., you lucky Bastard.....'
I said in my head. I sighed and scooted away from her.

"Wh-what's wrong Aoi?" (y/n) asked with her head tilted
"N-nothing! Just..."
"Just what?"
'Oh sh!t! What do I say!?'
I panicked in my head, yet cool & calm on the couch.
"I uh, I-I... why do you want to take Ruki to the dance?"
I backed out like an idiot
(y/n) scoffed and looked away from me. I wanted to say something but, I couldn't think of anything.
(y/n) sat up and put her cup down then blushed.
"Because he's little and cute!"
She said fiddling with her fingers. I sarcastically laughed and said, "you can do better than Ruki."
"Hey! Ruki's a good person!" She defended. I raised my hands in the air as a sign of no offense, just saying... dumb things.
"Ruki's just...." I couldn't think of anything.
"Just what?" She said curiously
"Just.. likes Reita a lot..."
'Nice going Aoi... perfect answer...'
I turned away from her and was waiting for the worst; but instead of being yelled at or insulted, I heard laughing.
"Ohhh~ Aoi! You and your excuses!" (y/n) said scooting next to me and hugging me.
"I know what you trying to do."
My heart started pounding as she hugged me closer and sat her chin on my shoulder
"You're trying to keep me available so you could get that guy you've been talking about who likes me to take me the dance." She said leaning against my shoulder blade.
'Close, very close.'
"Yeah... that's it..." I said in a low tone.

"How about this," (y/n) began as she pulled herself out of the warm hug and grabbed my chin to look at her, making me blush.
"If you bring this guy over tonight for me to meet him and see who he is and what's he like, then I might consider taking him."
She said smiling.
"Yeah, sounds good"
"Alright. Then I'll see again later tonight!" She said giving me another hug.

Later that day. Night time.

(y/n)'s p.o.v.

I sat on my bed read a book and drank a cup of cocoa as I waited for Aoi and his friend.
'I wonder if he's cute...'
I thought suddenly
'I wonder if his (favorite eye color on a guy) eyes? Or (favorite hair color on a guy) hair?'
I started thinking about appearances the guy could have.
'Nehh... doesn't matter...'
I stopped thinking about appearances and went back to reading my book.
"As long as he isn't a jerk." I finished the thought out loud and closed the case.

About 20 minutes later, I heard some noises outside my window coming from my front yard. Ignored it and kept reading.
'Probably Uruha & Kai playing with the snow. Little savages.'
I said in my head and chuckled to myself. They lived in the apartments about two miles away and would come to my house to play in the snow since they didn't have a yard.

About 10 minutes later I heard a voice,
My name being called
Oh yes, I knew Aoi's voice any day. I got up from my bed and opened my window and looked out. My eye's widened
"So!? What do you think about him!?" Aoi hollered
I smiled as I kept on reading what he wrote in the snow.

Will you take Aoi to the Holiday dance?

"So!?" Aoi hollered again
I started laughing then run downstairs, slip my boots on and throw my jacket on.

I ran out my door and into Aoi's arms.
"Is that a yes or a no?" Aoi asked with a chuckle as he held me in his arms.
"Yes. Yes, yes, yes!"
I replied happily, hugging him.
"I-I uh, I love you, (y/n)" Aoi said hugging me tightly, almost suffocating me.
"I love you too Aoi!" I say back giving him a kiss on the cheek.

I hope you liked it. I might've made some mistakes, sorry, I did a lot of work today.
Well, please vote & comment!
Bye-bye! (For now) >ω<

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