You kidnaped him?

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After we brought Liam too Scott's house, Scott had the bright idea to duck tape the poor little beta up and throw him into the bathtub. Finally I thought as Stiles walked through the door.
"Did you tell your dad about Liam" Scott questioned.
"You barley told me about Liam, were a he anyways." He asked confused. 
"Upstairs." Answered Scott.
"Doing what." Stiles questioned.
"Lying down." I said putting my fingers up in the air to make quotation marks , while trying not to laugh.  We then proceeded upstairs. Stiles pulled back the curtain of the bathtub to reveal a very angry young beta.  We then closed the curtain and walked back to Scott's room when Stiles broke the silence...
"So you bit him?" Stiles questioned.
"Yep." I responded.
"And you kidnaped him?" Stiles asked. Before I could say anything Scott said "we panicked."
"Your plans suck. Said Stiles.
"We know that's why I called you." Scott signed.
" okay just bring him in here, Alexa grab a chair." Stiles said annoyed.
Oh boy I thought, this can't end well. I didn't argue and did as I was told, and brought a chair over by Scott's bed. Stiles then proceeded to duck tape poor Liam to the chair.
"Liam you have seen some pretty confusing things tonight and more confusing things are about to happen." Said Scott. "The bite is a gift and we'll help you control it."
"Unless it kills you." Said an amused stiles.
"Stiles!" I yelled as I hit his head. "Ow"
"This won't end up with us burying him in a hundred pieces right?" Said Stiles. "Stiles shut the-" I was cut off by Scott's hand over my mouth. "Watch your profanity Alexa." Said Scott. "I was going to say shut the front door." I mumbled.
"Sure you were." Stiles said. He was stopped by a muffled cry.
"Is he crying?" Asked Stiles. By that point I was irritated by Stiles. We started un taping him.
"Hey it's okay, your safe." I cooed.
He pushed me onto the bed and hit Scott with a chair, next he pounced stiles. "Liam what the hell?" I herd Stiles ask. Liam then runs down the stairs.
"Get him!" Stiles and Scott both yelled at the same time. They both toppled down the stairs. While I slowly walked (like a normal person).
"I got him, I got him." Yelled Stiles.
"Your plans suck too!" I said.
Tomorrow is going to be interesting.

Finstocks daughter Liam  Dunbar/Theo Raken Where stories live. Discover now