She hasent sang since Aiden died

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~Liam's POV~ didn't see that coming did you?
When I woke up this morning I noticed the bite mark almost gone.  I still can't stop thinking about last night or Alexa. When I got to school as I passed the music room I could hear beautiful piano playing.  As I walked closer I noticed Alexa playing the piano and singing.
(Video above pretend it's Alexa and Aiden)
I'd like to say we gave it a try
I'd like to blame it all on life
Maybe we just weren't right,
But that's a lie,
That's a lie

And we can deny it as much as we want
But in time our feelings will show
'Cause sooner or later, we'll wonder why we gave up
The truth is everyone knows

Almost is never enough
So close to being in love
If I would have known that you wanted me
The way I wanted you
Then maybe we wouldn't be two worlds apart
But right here in each others arms

And we almost
We almost knew what love was
But almost is never enough

If I could change the world overnight
There'd be no such thing as goodbye
You'll be standing right where you were
And we'd get the chance we deserve

Try to deny it as much as you want
But in time our feelings will show
'Cause sooner or later, we'll wonder why we gave up
The truth is everyone knows

Almost is never enough
So close to being in love
If I would have known that you wanted me
The way I wanted you, oh
Then maybe we wouldn't be two worlds apart
But right here in each others arms

And we almost
We almost knew what love was
But almost is never enough

oh, huh oh
(Oh baby) hmm
(You know) oh
(You know baby)

Baby baby baby (is not enough baby)

huh huh
(Huh yeah)

And we can deny it as much as we want
But in time our feelings will show
'Cause sooner or later, we'll wonder why we gave up
The truth is everyone knows

Almost is never enough (is never in enough babe)
(We were) so close to being in love (So close)
If I would have known that you wanted me (that you wanted me)
The way I wanted you, babe
Then maybe we wouldn't be two worlds apart
But right here in each others arms

And we we almost
We almost knew what love was (baby)
But almost is never enough

(You know) hey
(You know baby)
(Is never enough baby) never
(At all)
(Hey ey ey)
     She then started crying, but before I could go comfort  her Scott put a hand on my shoulder and pulled me into an empty class room.
    "Why  did you pull me in here?" I asked
"Alexa hasn't sang since Aiden died and  that was the song they sang almost everyday together, she hadn't been the same since it happened. Do you know exactly what happened?." Scott asked sadly. I shook my head lightly.
"About a year ago Stiles got possessed by a evil spirit called a nogitsune. We were fighting these creatures onies that were controlled by him and an oni tried to stab Alexa, but instead her mate Aiden got in front of her and was stabbed. He died in her arms. They were each other's first everything. Shortly after my girlfriend Allison also known as Alexa's best friend was stabbed protecting me. She was my first love. But everything was harder for Alexa she just last month started coming back. She was broken and still is." Scott explained. He then left leaving me wondering what I could do to help her not be as broken.

Finstocks daughter Liam  Dunbar/Theo Raken Where stories live. Discover now