Part two

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The next morning…

Hinata was walking to Naruto’s favorite ramen restaurant. She had learned a few years ago that if she would be looking for Naruto, the ramen house would the very first place to look.

She was smiling sheepishly while holding a keychain she made herself. The keychain looked like a small face of Naruto with Hinata’s name at the back. She stayed up all night to finish her gift to Naruto.

She opened the restaurant’s cloth windows and was about to call for Naruto.

“Nar..” She stopped when she saw how happy Naruto was. He was laughing like there’s no tomorrow with the same girl she met yesterday, Saya-chan.

Hinata’s confidence to give Naruto the little keychain went down when she saw Naruto was holding a beautiful small keychain. It was a picture of Naruto and Saya. It was obviously more beautiful than what Hinata made. The keychain Hinata was holding, slowly slip off of her hand. She quickly ran away from the ramen house before the two would notice her.


Saya-chan enjoyed her afternoon with Naruto around but she was thinking what happened to Hinata that time. She saw Hinata at the ramen house a few hours ago but she didn’t care so she ignored her presence.

She was walking to the park and there she saw Hinata sitting at the bench.

She walked towards her with her head held high.

“Hey, Hinata.”

Hinata was deep drawn to her thoughts when she heard someone talk.

“S-Saya-chan. D-do you need something?” Hinata asked with all politeness.

“I know you have a thing for Naruto. And I also know you’re too weak for him so better back off.” Hinata didn’t expect Saya to be this rude to her.

“I don’t think I can, Saya-chan.”

“You’re scrawny. Weak. Useless.”  Saya-chan said each word slowly like she wanted Hinata to realize that she’s the only girl who suited Naruto and not some Hyuga girl.

“Please, stop.” Hinata pleaded. She knew she wasn’t the strongest shinobi like Naruto or the smartest like Shikamaru. She wasn’t even as confident as Sakura or Ino but she doesn’t have to be reminded that all day.

“Pathetic. Bothersome. Annoying.”  Saya-chan continued.

“Saya-chan, please, stop.”

“You always trouble Naruto with your acts! You’re hopeless, a failure to your family, disappointment to your fr—“

“Stop it!” Hinata snapped.

“The truth hurt, doesn’t it?”

Hinata wasn’t sure how Saya knew about her family but she thought she had enough of Saya’s rudeness.

“Shut up already!” Saya gasped of Hinata’s sudden change of personality.

“What, eye-girl? Want to fight me?”

“I-I don’t want to fight you.” Hinata’s voice came back to being sweet and slow.

“Weakling, unreliable, err-“

“Fine, I’ll fight you!”


There was silence for the both girls waited who would attack first. Then, Saya-chan threw her first attack. She threw three kunais at Hinata. Silently, Hinata made her hand signals for Shunshin no Jutsu. Saya smiled when her kunai reached Hinata but she knew it was easy. Puffs of white smoke appeared around Hinata and a log emerged from the smoke.

Damn. Substitution jutsu, Saya thought.

Saya threw her second set of Kunais when she found Hinata. The kunais just hit the three where Hinata was hiding. Hinata looked out but when she looked, Saya appeared out of nowhere and kicked her in her stomach. Hinata fell over the ground but when she opened her eyes, there was no sign of Saya everywhere.

She climbed up the tree to look for her. She knew it was time for her to use it.

She closed her eyes slowly.

“Byakugan!” Her Byakugan was on and she started to look for Saya but before she can even concentrate a flash of punches hit her.

“I knew you were a Hyuga. I know where your blindspots are, eye-girl.”

Saya continued kicking her until drops of blood came out of her mouth.

“You see, Hinata. You are no match to me.” Saya said while looking at Hinata embracing her stomach.

“You are weak! Failure!” Hinata knew her strength. She knew she can beat Saya. But what would Naruto think of her. She should’ve just controlled her anger in the first place.

“What, now eye-girl? Are you just going to slouch there? Are you going to shout for help? Oh, please, Hinata. Grow up already!” And with that, Saya-chan put out her kunai. She doesn’t intend to kill Hinata. She just wanted to teach her a lesson. Giving her a small scar on Hinata’s face wouldn’t hurt, right? She thought to herself.

Hinata knew what Saya was about to do. Then she remembered what Naruto had said, he told her to never let yourself be pulled down by someone.

Hinata silently said Shunshin no Jutsu and made her hand signals. Saya screamed as she threw the kunai to Hinata’s face. Puff of smoke emerged and Saya knew it a substitution jutsu. She jumped back but Hinata punched her at the back.

“Hakke Kūshō!” Hinata formed her chakra to her hands and released it to Saya.

Hakke Kūhekishō” Another attack from Hinata hit Saya’s body.

“Jūho Sōshiken!” Hinata continued to hit Saya with her jutsu but she didn’t touch any vital organs of Saya. It would probably kill her. She doesn’t want that to happen.

Saya-chan got her chakra back with her and she jumped out of Hinata quickly. Hinata looked tired. Releasing a lot of chakra with every attack would definitely be exhausting.

“Let’s finish this Hinata!” With a shout, Saya jumped out of the tree and made a ball like red chakra to her fists. Hinata, on the other hand, attacked too and made a hand signal.

“Hakke Tamashī tanken!”

“Hinata! Saya-chan!” Both of them snapped their heads to the direction of the sound. They both gasped when they saw Naruto.

“Kagibuunshin no jutsu!” Naruto’s clone quickly ran to both of them to receive the girl’s attack.

When both the girls fell to the ground, Kiba and Naruto ran to them.

“Kiba, examine your cousin.”

“Hai!” Kiba ran over Saya.

“Are you okay, nii-san? What the hell were you two thinking?!” Kiba scolded.

“I’m fine, Kiba.”

“Hinata-sama, daijobu desu ka? Are you okay? Are you hurt?” Instead of answering, Hinata smiled. She never saw Naruto this worried about her before. Her eyes landed on Naruto’s pockets. A small face of naruto was hanging to it.

“The k-key chain.” Hinata said.

“Yes. They’re the cutest Hinata-sama. Arigatou.” Naruto smiled. He grabbed Hinata and gave her a piggy-back.

“You could’ve killed her, you know.” Naruto teased. “That was one awesome jutsu back there.”

“You t-think so? I’m s-sorry.” Hinata asked.

“Nah. You don’t have to apologize, Hinata-sama.”

Naruto started to walk away from Saya and Kiba.

“H-how about her?” Hinata asked.

“Hmp. She’ one bad girl. Kiba can take care of her. Besides, you’re my only  favorite shinobi girl.”

NaruHina Love Story (Fan Fiction/Done!)♥Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu