The prophecy

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  Dedicated to @megarax  for being such a motivational friend!!

  The story of Alamira

The sun of darkness fell all over,

The paleness of gloom despaired us,

In that storm, among all walked a light,

Much purer than the morning sunshine.

Queen Alamira of the old was back,

Bestowed a gift on three candles alight.

A way to save Alimara from doom,

A path to end that darkness and gloom.

The trio were the prophets of love, peace and light,

To be traversed from the burning rights.

Yet evil again had pierced it's deadly heads,

Right through the armour of Alamira's friends.

Another pure soul was needed,

To destroy the evil and mend what needed to be mended.

To make the third believe again,

His part missing was there to be bled.

Ciera, was that soul's name,

From another world, she was here to bear pain,

For her love and faith she cried, that day,

When her world was shattered to pieces.

Yet among all she rose like a flame,

Chose goodness and love in all.

Had she not triumphed, I'd have lost my faith,

In you, Alamira and all that you held.

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