Girl Oc

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Name: Madoka
Last Name: Unosachi
Gender: Femaleness
Age: 12
Good traits: sweet, oblivious, loving, gentle, innocent
Bad traits: very scary when annoyed, stubborn which sometimes get her into trouble, too oblivious
Likes: cookies, her family, animals, her friends
Dislikes: bullies, rich stuck up snobs, people who hurt her friends, and animal abusers
Past: Growing up Madoka had very kind but strict parents. She was a typical child except for the fact she was the future heir to her parents company. Although her parents let her go to public schools she still took private lessons to help with becoming the future head of her families company. She always made friends because of her obliviousness to people's hatred and only sees the good in people. This leads to the many good friends she has in her life.

Hoped you liked this oc!
And request some characters for me to make because I love it when people enjoy these characters I will and can make. 🙂

😘 Schwala~minna-san

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