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So hey guys I got tagged by blade_shadow_blood .
So here's 13 things about my self:
1. I like to watch anime in my spare time.
2. I have black hair.
3. I live in New York.
4. I love jolly ranchers.
5. I despise(and suck) at math.
6. I am bilingual.
7. I absolutely love reading anime fanfictions.
8. I have not had a pet ever.
9. I am a vegetarian(sort of).
10. I like minecraft roleplay videos.
11. I went to Australia once.
12. I play piano.
13. I like the Percy Jackson series.
So to who evers reading this I thank you for reading and yea I know that's a lot of I's.(But hey I'm writing about me so it's ok)

And now I'm tagging my faithful friends and followers:
& Yumi_the_Eliatrope
That's all and schwala my friends 🤗

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