Chapter One

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Chapter One

         Jeez, what happened? The world was spinning. Bunpei felt he was hanging off the ceiling.

Woozy, he sat up and noticed black cloth on the floor. It was just a fragment, but Bunpei could identify some insignia on it. A skeleton in a black robe with a ruby in its hand was riding a golden dragon. A dragon? A skeleton? Why is it – Bunpei froze, and the world became still. It’s wearing a black robe, Bunpei realized. He crawled over and stuck it in his pocket.

          Down on Town Square, Bunpei was questioning passersby as to whether or not they had seen his mother. After a short time, he saw a tall man with a sheet of paper clenched in his fist. Bunpei squinted his eyes, and further studied his paper. He saw something he hoped he would never see again. What? That guy’s paper has the skeleton and the dragon! Why? Images flashed through his mind of his missing mother. He growled. Maybe he’s one of them!

          Bunpei hurled himself at the man. The two formed a blur of green and gray, one fighting to free himself from this evil boy, the other pinning this evil man who took his mother. The man was able to get up.

        “Okay, who are you, and what do you want?” He dusted his clothes off and threw Bunpei a stern look. Bunpei’s answer did not wait at his tongue.

        “What is this paper?” Bunpei’s rage welled in a puddle at his eyes. The man fumbled with the paper and handed it over to Bunpei. Psionics World Tournament! At the Asteralis Hotel starting August 21st.  Any psion can join! Hosted by the Unmask Alliance.

        So the kidnappers were psions like me, huh. Bunpei took his pointer finger and jabbed it into the tall man’s flyer. He flashed a solemn glare.

“You’re going to take me here,” he said. “But you also have to tell me about yourself.                  


       Bunpei Nikato and Hitoshi Kawai stood outside of the Asteralis Hotel. The cool August breeze kissed them behind the ears with rather chilly lips.

       "This is it," Kawai said. His endless sea of black tresses flailed around wildly in the wind. "The Asteralis Hotel". Bunpei looked up at this strange marvel. In flashing lights, "ASTERALIS" couldn't possibly be forsaken.

       "I remember the first time they had this tournament. I was young then. Top of my game, peak of my career. Nowadays, I live off of the money I won. Keeps my family and I in good wealth."

       A cash prize, hm... Bunpei thought of his mother. Don't worry, Mom; I'm coming! I'll find you, no matter what it takes! Bunpei took another look at Kawai.

       "So... What am I going to do until this tournament?" Bunpei asked.

        Kawai chuckled. "You'll have to train. How else do you prepare?"

       "But... How am I going to get strong in a week? The most I can do is a psi blast!" All hope of finding Bunpei's mom shattered into a million pieces. Kawai answered with nothing but a stare. There was a fire in Kawai's eyes, and it was igniting Bunpei's desire. "Kawai," Bunpei whispered, "can you train me?"

       Kawai chuckled. "So asks the kid who tackled me this morning." Bunpei hung his head. "Okay, kid, I'll give you one chance. You and I spar. If you can hit me three times, I train you. If not, say bye-bye to Mommy."

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