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Disclaimer: You understand the book much better if you read this part because you'll get to know the main character better! (And the book won't be like a diary only this part)

Dear diary,
I'm gay.
There I said it.
I'm a gay guy.
A twink as some lgbt people would describe me.
I'm not athletic and very skinny.
Some people would call me cute but that isn't a very popular opinion.
Sometimes I'm very...... uhmmm, enthusiastic?
I don't want to say hyperactive because I'll immediately get labeled as and gay kid with ADHD, even though this is very much true.
I think a lot.
That's probably why my mum got me this journal.
She wants me to be more masculine, so she calls it a journal instead of a diary.
I don't really care what this thing is.
This will help me figure out my problems and get my thought organised and in a pile of messy other thoughts but in straight lines.
Every thought gets one line, every thought is equal.
Just like humans.
But humans don't understand that they are equal.
There has to be a leader, a superior being.
In our world the superior beings are celebrities.
You're lying if you say you never wanted to be a certain celebrity or just famous yourself.

Enough about that.
This journal is for my random thoughts.
Like why did someone feel the need to create a book which would later be a holy thing to people.
Or why do people always have to think they are better than someone.
I hate those things.
I have something against religion.
It's something I don't understand.
Why would you think that there is someone high above us and he just created earth.
Some religious people say that the big bang theory is unrealistic.
But what's more realistic? A guy who just made a whole earth with living things on it? Or a big bang from which the theory is literally so much that no normal human being can understand it?
I'm against the religious people who only see their truth as their truth and do not respect other human beings basing on their beliefs and their "choices" as they would call them.

Dear journal/ diary,
I'm tired of thinking and need some rest, see you later.

Where Are We Going Now?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora