New "Doctor"

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Aria Canterbury, stared out the window of the car as her mom drove. Her mom continued to chatter about how great this new doctor would be. That was how her mom referred to the psychiatrists every time she had to change "doctors" as her mom called them; refusing to use the word psychiatrist.  This would be the third one in half a year.

Three months ago they had packed up and moved just for the sole purpose of finding a better psychiatrist. The town was called Haven Falls. A tight knit small town located somewhere in Colorado. Her mom swore the move would be worth it, but Aria who once again was an outcast at this school wasn't so sure.

Every time it ended the same. She would just be getting used to the psychaitrist and either they would decide her case was to much to handle or her mom would decide that they weren't fixing her fast enough. Her father had given up on any kind of involvement regarding her... problem. Her mother was the opposite and was overly involved.

She herself wasn't to sure which was worse being so uninvolved or overly involved. Either way she knew she wasn't crazy. Every time they as in the ghost hurt her or broke things she was blamed for it even when it came to impossible things they chalked it up to be her fault. Even the kids and teachers at school avoided her as if she would flip out on them.

She desperately wished to yell it wasn't like that! None of it was her fault! That didn't matter though because in their eyes and her parents eyes she was to blame. They failed to look at the facts they always did.

Like the time she was twelve and she was nailed to the wall. For God sake, how did they think she could possibly nail both of her hands to the damned wall?! If they even took a second to realize how impossible it would be for her to nail one hand to the wall then nail the other, they would realize how wrong they were. Yet they wouldn't and she knew that.

People's brains come up with their own explanation to explain things that are unexplainable. The car stopped as her mother parked it. She scrambled out of it following her mom, as she pushed through the doors of the big glass building. Her mom stopped at the front desk.

"Hi, we have an appointment with Dr, Evans. What floor is his office on?" She asked the lady who sat behind the desk. The lady glanced at Aria with disgust as she answered, "fourth floor." Before going back to filing her nails.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened as it hit the fourth floor. Aria's mom told her to wait while she used the restroom. Aria rolled her eyes in response yet stayed put leaning against the wall. She wanted to tell her mom she could do this on her own after all she was seventeen now, but she knew her mother wouldn't listen, she rarely did.

The sound of a door latch clicking drew her attention,  and she glanced over just as a boy exited one of the rooms. He was tall and built nicely. His dark hair was cut to be slightly longer on one side and cut short along the other. His dark green eyes looked like shards of emeralds.

Her cheeks tinged pink as she realized she was checking him out. So she quickly averted her eyes away not wanting him to think she was ogoling him even if she had been. Instead she pulled her hood up and kept her gaze down as he passed. Something about him seemed slightly familiar, but for the life of her she couldn't figure it out. He paused at the end of the hall, and she could feel his piercing gaze on her.

She shifted around uncomfortably as she finally dared to glance up. His eyes met her's briefly before he turned away. Just as he entered the elevator her mom came out. "Ready?" She asked.

Aria simply shrugged in response. Her mother's lips became a thin line a clear sign she disapproved of her daughters lack of verbal response. Yet instead of telling her off she turned and knocked on the office door. It was the one the boy had exited.

When they entered Aria looked around taking the room in. There were slightly warn out bean bag chairs, of bright colors in the left corner. A fish tank sat near the window. Colorful posters decorated the wall.

All in all the room was a bad attempt at trying, to make people feel at ease, but in a way it did the opposite. Aria's eyes fell on the Dr himself as he spoke with her mom. He looked very young compared to most  "doctors" she had seen.

Nothing about this man would give away that he would be in this profession. He had dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and a goofy smile. Not that he wasn't cute if she was being honest with herself , he was beyond cute but there just was something odd about the man.

She hadn't been paying attention as they spoke but suddenly she was told to have a seat. She hesitated a moment before taking a seat, as her mom left after saying she would be back in and hour. Then it was just her and the man who was supposed to "cure" her. He smiled brightly at her with his goofy grin.

She tried to hold onto her unemotional facade, but it was hard when his smile seemed contagious. The corners of her lips twitched but she managed to get it under control. "Now then Aria why don't you tell me a bit about yourself." He said way to excitedly for her liking.

"Why? You have the files the hospital reports. So you should have everything there. What more do you need to know?" She spat,  probably puting way to much venom in her words.

He didn't seemed phased though. "Because I want the real story not the fake one made up by people who think they know what happened." He said shocking her. Aria's eyes were wide and she had to fight to stop her jaw from hitting the ground.

She quickly got herself under control as she studied the man before her cautiously. 'Was this his tactic pretend he believed her so she would spill every little detail? Or was it possible... that maybe he really did believe her?' She thought, before deciding not to give in so easy just in case.

"I don't know what you mean." She said, with mock confusion in her voice. His eyes seemed to dance with amusement. "So you say... but we both know that what's written in these files and reports are... well bullshit."

"Most of your injuries occured in ways that were impossible for you to inflict on yourself. I studied the pictures and none match with the stories." Once again he had surprised her and swept her off guard. He sounded so sure and oddly she felt compelled to trust this man.

She quickly shook herself mentally, reminding herself you can't trust no one. Not really in the end it would get her no where. At least that was what she felt. Yet Still staring into those eyes she felt herself cave.

So she told him deciding in the end he to would deem her crazy like every one else did.

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