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I dont own the image. It is suppossed to be Alexander aka Xander.

It was me being shaken roughly that brought me out of it.

His fingers tight around my shoulders; his green eyes piercing my soul. "Snap out of it!" He commanded, delivering another sharp shake. I blinked, stunned that this person would even bother.

My shock soon turned to anger. Huffing as I slapped his arms off of my shoulders; not wanting to be touched. He narrowed his eyes at me, but remained silent as he returned to his seat. The doctor seemed flustered as he took his own seat.

Everything was silent for a moment as I tried to collect myself. I cursed myself mentally for allowing my emotions to violently take me like a current. "I think thats enough for today." The doctor stated while furiously scribbling notes down on a paper.

" I will see you both tomorrow." He dismissed us. The session wasn't even close to done. We both stood to take our leave. "Oh and one more thing, its clear to me you two will have to work on trusting each other first before we can continue."

"Therefore next session we will be working on trust exercises and vanquishing the disdain you hold for each other." With that he returned to his work. We left without another word going our seperate ways. I called my mom to tell her the session ended early.

When she pulled up she gave me a suspicious look. "How was the session?" She inquired. I knew she wanted to know why the session ended so early.

Instead I faked a small smile, " it was fine mom." She seemed to want to push the matter, but thankfully and uncharacteristically dropped the subject. "I didn't finish my errands so we are going to stop by Toms." She declared.

Toms was a local health food store. My mother was always keeping up with the latest health craze. Which ment dad and I were always subjected to eat or drink odd things. At one point she had us drinking a concoction of hers. Which consisted of apple cider vinegar, kale juice, garlic, turmeric, and paprika.

I nearly gagged even at the thought of it. I could only cross my fingers and hope she didn't want to try something new. As if reading my mind, " I got this new recipe!" She exclaimed excitedly.


We had finally gotten back home after almost two hours of her repeatedly going around the store. I excused myself after helping lug the groceries in. I was intending to finish a history paper, but instead I found myself fighting to block out the cackling laughter of ghost. Grabbing my head phones I blasted the loudest music I could in an attempt to shut them out.

Giving up on finishing the paper, I instead laid face down on my bed. Trying to forget the days events. It wasn't long before I drifted into a restless sleep full of nightmares.

I awoke shivering as the room was freezing. My blankets proved futile, as even when I wrapped them tightly around me I still felt chilled to the bone. The sickening dropping of my stomach told me it wasn't the AC causing my room to feel like the artic. I paused the music then tightened the blankets around me as I decided to sit up.

It was oddly quiet no laughing or ghostly whispers to taunt me. I scanned the room and everything seemed in place. Yet the temperature seemed to drop even more as my breath became visable. Everything in me said to run, yet I stayed still.

I didn't need to cause my parents alarm. They didn't need another reason to worry. So I stayed quiet and unmoving even as my closet door opened on its own. I tightened my hold on the blankets as if they could keep me safe from whatever monster was lurking in my closet.

It was dark, but I didn't miss the rustling of clothes. Hangers clinking against the metal bar they hung from. I forced myself to stay unmoving as a dark figure emerged from the closet. Rising to face me.

The moon light hitting it so I could see it clearly now. My mouth opened in a silent scream as my eyes took in the horrible sight. Its eyes pitch black a mouth that was sewn shut. Its greyish skin stretched sickeningly over bones that jutted out.

It moaned as if in pain as it took a step towards me. As it walked dirt began to drop as if this creature was made of dirt himself. Its arms apeared abnormally long as if they had been stretched. With each shuffle of its feet it let a moan of pain out.

My heart was pounding in my ears as it reached the edge of my bed. I trembled as it reached for me. Everything in my body screaming to run and keep running. Yet my limbs were frozen in fear as its hand reached me.

I let out a whimper as the creatures finger stroked my cheek. Its eyes staring into me. The cold forgotten the moment I laid eyes on this monsterous thing. It mumbled as if it were trying to speak.

Finally finding my self able to move I threw myself off the bed away from the thing. It narrowed it's eyes clearly angered by my movement. As it took a step for me I ran to the door. It was only when I opened the door that I dared to look at it.

Neither of us moved waiting for the other to act. Those dark eyes were full of hatred. As I took a step back it began running at me. I slamned the door shut hoping it be enough.

It was silent. No bang at the door or foot steps as I stood in my hallway petrified. I wanted more than anything to go crawl in my parents bed like a child. Tears fell as trembled terrified and unsure of what to do.

It wasn't as if I could leave the house and I certainly couldn't bring myself to go back into the room.

I spent the rest of the night awake sitting outside my bedroom door. It was only when I heard my fathers alarm clock go off that I cautiously snuck back into my room.


My eyes were red and I felt as though I'd collapse at any moment from being exhausted. Yet I pushed through getting ready and slowly walked to school. Each step felt like agony as my body begged for sleep.

As soon as I made it to my desk in first period my body seemed to shut down as I fell into asleep. Thanking the stars my teachers didn't dare call on me or bother with me. The hour felt like ten minutes as I awoke to the bell signalling the end of the class period.

Each class went the same as the first. I took me seat and immediatly shut down. It was now lunch and I dreaded the idea of dealing with anyone. I tried stalling in the restroom. Splashing water on my face in an attempt to wake up.

My dark circles even more prominent; my eyes red and my skin paler then even before. I looked like a ghost myself. Finally after ten minuttes my hunger got the better of me and I entered the cafeteria. I stood in line keeping my head down in hopes that no attention would come my way.

I lugged my tray to a empty table in the back of the room. Weakly I tore pieces of the pizza off. Gulping the water down my parched throat. My luck was holding as no one disturbed me.

In fact no one even glanced my way up until the last period of the day. It was as I shuffled out of the locker room dressed in my P.E. shorts and shirt that my luck changed. A basket ball was immediatly sent hurtling my way. Sending me to the ground dizzy as I collapsed from the impact.

The laughter didn't phase me in my fatigued state. There was a dull ache to my head and a ringing in my ears as I laid there on the floor not wanting to move. I was so stunned that when strong arms lifted me I thought I imagined it. It was only as I was carried out of the gym that my mind caught up with me.

I stared in disbelief at Xander. As if he had grown two heads. Coming to my senses I immediatly began to squirm wanting to be put down. This in turn caused him to glare at me. "P-put me down!" I finally croaked out.

Instead he tightened his grip on me and continued on his way ignoring my protests. It was only when we reached the nurses office that he let go allowing me to stand. I stumbled and clutched the door frame to regain my balance. "Thank you." I whispered.

He was silent. It was only due to this that I bothered to look up at his face. His face was empty of anything though his eyes seem to take in my haggard appearance. He finally nodded and with that he turned and walked away.

I was left stunned still clinging to the door. The whole thing was very unexpected.

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