Chapter 3

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I was doing the dishes when my mom came threw the door. "Hey Jess" she said as she threw her purse on the counter. She seemed upset about something. "Is everything ok?" I asked while putting a bowl on the mat to dry. "It's nothing really, your dad has to go out of town for 2 weeks for a business trip" she said as she poured some wine in her glass. "Really? But he just came back from one" I said shocked and confused. I knew that my mom and dad are starting to drift apart. They haven't been really been talking to each other lately. "Yeah, but that means more girl time for us" she said with a smile, which I knew was fake. "Yeah you're right, want to watch a movie tonight and order pizza?" I asked hoping she'll say yes. "Sorry Hun I can't, Cathy from work is having her baby shower tonight, and I promised her that I'll help set up." She said while giving me her glass to wash. I was kinda down that she can't spend stay, but there will be plenty of days when we can chill. "Oh ok mom, well tell me how it goes when you come back" I said as I finished the dishes and walked up stairs. "I will, and tomorrow we'll go shopping and go out to dinner, sound like a plan?" She yelled up to me in my room. "Yeah sounds great mom" I yelled back. I grabbed my phone from out of my back pocket and called Justin.

Justin: " Hello?"
Me: "hey, so my mom will be leaving for some ladies baby shower, and she won't be back until late, can you come over?"
Justin:"hell yeah! Text me when she leaves and then I'll come over"
Me: "ok sure will"

As I was doing my hair my phone rang. "Hello?" I answered. "Hey it's Toby, can you come see me?" He asked. He sounded like he just woke up. "No Toby I can't" I said with an eye roll. "It's important, I really need you here" he said. It sounds urgent I'm actually kinda scared. I finally gave in. "Where are you?" I asked while heading down stairs and grabbing my keys. "I'm at 94th street, near this abandoned warehouse that's on the corner." Toby said, he was breathing heavy.

I hung up and headed towards 94th street. What the hell is happening? And why am I so scared. Justin! I grabbed my phone and dialed his number. "Hello?" He picked up. I have to make up a lie. I'm such a bad liar. "Um, so my mom needed me to run some errands and I don't know how long that's gonna take me, so, um, you can't come over" I quickly said. Let's hope he believes me and doesn't ask any questions. "Ok, well that's fine, but call me when  out get home okay?" He said. "Ok" I hung up right when I arrived at the warehouse. I got out the car looked around. It's dark out here. I can't see anything.

"Toby?" I called out. "Over here" I heard a raspy voice called out. I followed the voice and saw Toby laying on the ground with blood down his face and a bruise on his eye. And many more scars. "Oh my god Toby! What happened?" I asked while taking off my jacket and putting it on his head to stop the bleeding. "I'll explain later. Just help me up" I grabbed his arm and helped him to his feet. I took him to the car and helped him in. "I'm taking you to the hospital" I said once I got in the car. "What? No! You can't take me there" he yelled. "Why not?! You're hurt dammit!" I screamed becoming angry. "They told me if I told someone they will come back and hurt me worse." He started to calm down. "Who are they?" I asked worried. "I'll tell you everything later, just get me out of here" he said. I didn't know where to take him so I just headed to my house. The only questions is, why did he call me?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2016 ⏰

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