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I walk slowly with Ichito. I'm still shaking from my dream. I'm shocked at the sadism that my dream-self could achieve. I look at my hands, clean and unmarked. Not covered in the blood that I've spilled. Looking up, I see a dozen Zathat clustered close around us, looking concerned. Ichito keeps his hand on my shoulder.

"Dot niid alt shio, britokahna. Grii Arkhela holki do'ok-foonahn. Wek aav holk vool. Durer britoka, grii Arkhela, zi niid farot. Hi wusaro durer athor. Hi zi i vokten, pat vis."

"Do not be afraid, brothers. The Angel has death-dreams. We all have them. Our brother, the Angel, is no different. He needs our strength. He is a warrior, like us."  Ichito says, with authority. The other Zathat, all older and battle scarred, nod their heads in agreement.

"Ichito, what was all that?" I ask, as we walk away. I could speak in their language, but I don't feel like it.

"They were worried about you. They heard you moaning in your sleep. But, each one of them is as old as I, and we remember the old wars with the Hikithos. They understand what its like to dream."

"Wait, Ichito, how old are you?" I ask, somewhat astonished.

"Almost seven thousand years old, by your count."

"Seven thousand?!" I ask, incredulous.

"Yes. Zathat can live for an extremely long time, quite a bit longer than our Suwat counterparts. I am part of the few from the last great Hikithos war. Those whom you saw back there are all survivors. They're members of my squad, and as of now, your bodyguard. You do intend to fight with us still?"

"Yes. I've got nothing better to do with my life. I'm too different to fit in. And honestly...these Hikithos would probably upset the natural balance of chaos and order. So this is all part of my job."

Ichito nods. Despite how difficult it is to pick up energy from these creatures, I can still faintly detect great happiness.

"Ichito, what is the strength of our army?"

"If we took every city across the world, we would have about twenty thousand warriors."

"There's twenty thousand of you across the world?"

"Yes. We all live in secret cities, like this one, although none are as big, and ours is the place where Bastet makes her home. There are about fifty thousand Zuwath around the world, and we all communicate, although the Ikta vohn Dukaniis is the capital." Ichito says, with a hint of pride.

We walk through the hallways of the Ziggurat, looking down on the plaza in front of the enourmous structure. I can see suwat scurrying around, cleaning the plaza, and erecting an enormous coliseum.

"What happens to the city when the army leaves?" I ask.

"All male Zuwath of fighting age begin their campaign. By tomorrow, all of the closest villages will have sent their warriors."

"What about the women and children?" I ask.

Ichito looks at me with a glint of laughter in his eyes.

"We males go and fight, but it is the females who have a more important job. There is no warrior more fearsome or dangerous than a female, Suwat or Zathat. When cornered and unarmed, a Zathat is worth ten warriors. They remain here, to guard what is sacred to us, to preserve our society. Although, there are a few females, including seductaves, who will march with the army."

"Who?" I ask.

"Well, the seductaves trained in warfare will accompany us, including three of the Muses. We will also have those females who have proven themselves in battle, through the defense of a city or another great act of valour, who are granted the honour of marching to battle. And of course, there is the Fedhakn."

"This seems pretty unfair to the women." I say.

"This is what you call a patriarchy, yes. But the women are not without rights. A male may fight another and claim his wives, but the wives are protected from abuse. As for the females fighting in the army, it is simply better this way. Everybody knows their place, and rather than changing the order of things for the idea of fairness, we work together for the good of the species, and of course, for our lady Bastet."

We keep walking, towards a great mess hall in another part of the Ziggurat. When we get there, the sight is grand. There is a vaulted ceiling, although not too high. There are tables in rows, able to seat hundreds, if need be. Already inside are several Fedhakn, as well as some of the warriors from earlier and a few female warriors. There are also a few seductaves and red robed guards. They sit together, eating and talking.

"Come, meet some of your bodyguards."

"Ichito, I don't need bodyguards."

"When you enter the battle, you will be the greatest morale booster and leader the troops can see. Nothing will inspire them more than the sight of the great Arkhela and his bodyguards charging into battle. Besides, they will all be able to keep pace with you, and help you complete your missions."

I nod, and we head over to the table. I am silent as Ichito greets all of the gathered warriors.

"Britokahn, meet the Arkhela!" Ichito says. Im surrounded immediately by the female warriors.

The first is a slim, tiny Suwat, even smaller than most. She comes up to the middle of my chest. On her back, I see several javelins, as well as several Japanese style kunai knives around a belt.

"My name is Kriia, Arkhela. I'm the squad stealth and support specialist. You need to know something, you come to me." She smiles, and I smile as I watch her huge fox ears swivel and pivot. They look ridiculously huge, since she is smaller than most Suwat.

Next is a massive, burly Zathat. She is even bigger than Haaron, and is, by far, the largest Zathat I have seen yet. If she reached up and stretched as far as she could, she could touch the ceiling. Across her back is an enourmous falchion, as big as I am.

"I am Itilla. I am at your service, Lord Arkhela. I serve unto death." She bows on one knee, almost hitting me on the head with the handle of her falchion, which is strapped to her back. Behind her, the others smile and chuckle at her gusto.

"Thank you, Itilla, but there is no need for that. I am no more a lord than you." I say, smiling. I can tell that I've got approval from the others.

Itilla stands and nods without another word, and steps to the side. Behind her, I see a beautiful seductave. She has blonde and black streaks in her hair, which hangs straight down over one eye. She has a curvy figure, but is clearly toned and a capable warrior.

"I am Lisanth. I was a woman of the northern clans of Suomi, before I served my lady Bastet. I am yours, for anything." She looks at me, with dark, sultry eyes. I feel guilty at how my pulse quickens.

The last female to approach me is a slim Zathat, who, at least to a human, is relatively pretty.

"I am Paradeso. I'm the lieutenant of your unit. I'll also be your personal bodyguard, along with Hriik, Namtur, and Kriia.

I smile warmly, and finish greeting all of the other warriors.  Hriik comes in about halfway through, and joins our group. We laugh and talk. Eventually, Thanatos comes sliding in, and is admired by the Zathat and Suwat alike. I find myself having fun, until another person enters the mess hall.

I turn around, and my dream comes rushing back to me.

So sorry! I know its been a while and I keep saying I'll write regularly, but life doesn't always work that way. PLEASE let me know what you thought, or what you think will happen, what you liked or disliked, or if you have any questions. You can comment or message me, and I might even do a dedication or two. Share this with your friends! Thanks for reading!

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