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The Zathat who was sitting with Skylar the night before comes in, chest puffed out. I look at him, as memories from my dream start to filter back in. He gives me a disdainful look, and walks away. He's followed by several Zathat and Suwat.

"Who's that?" I ask.

"That's Kitugo. Hey, Hriik, wasn't he one of the last ones standing at last night's ritual?" Says Kriia.

"Yes. That him. He known in all city. Have many mate-seeker, but no mate."

"What makes him so special?" I ask.

"He's a strong and capable warrior, from a much younger generation. He's only one hundred years old, but for humans, he's about your age. He's...how do you say? A prodigy. Many are saying that he's going to be the next Champion of the Council, and he's got the strength and martial skill to do it. But he's not the brightest lad, and he's a fornicator, which is frowned on." Says Ichito, with distaste in his voice.

"For many females, it is a great honour to even be addressed by him. If he shows interest, females, whether they are seductave, Zathat, or Suwat, always fall to his charms. But not me." Says Itilla, crossing her arms. There is a consensus of dislike from the rest of my new friends.

I sit and talk with them for a few more minutes, when everyone sits up, and places a hand on their weapons. I form several throwing darts in my hands, and keeping them hidden, turn to the newcomer that I sense behind me.

"Arkhela, it is an honour to finally meet you." Says Kitugo, in a smooth, and silky but deep voice.

"Yes, Kitugo, is it?" I reply.

"Yes. Skylar has told me much about you." He says, grinning slightly when he says her name. His eyes watch me for a reaction when he says her name.

"Ah. Interesting." I say, clipping my words and sounding disinterested.

"She really is a great tutor. She gave me special attention." He says, and I can tell the tension in the room has greatly increased.

"Ah, Kitugo, how good to see you. That was a powerful performance last night." Says Ichito, with a false air of a compliment.

"Yes, it was. Next time, I will be the last standing. Besides, it got me some extra attention afterwards." He eyes Ichito warily, but narrows his eyes and looks at me as he finished his sentence.

"Is there something you need from me?"  I ask, slightly irritated at how Kitugo has ruined our lightheartedness, and reminded me of my dream.

"No, I simply wanted to meet you. I wanted to see for myself who our new warrior was made of. But from what I hear, you're not much, considering you scream and cry in your sleep. Some warrior you are." Kitugo says, staring me down.

"Kitugo! Watch your tongue! The Arkhela is-" says Lisanth, before Kitugo cuts her off.

"The Arkhela can answer for himself, bitch." He snarls.

"Don't call her a bitch!" I say. I hit him with an open palm.

He manages to catch my wrist, and swipes at my head. I duck and use my free hand to flip him over my back. He lands heavily and skids on the floor. My feet gain traction and I fly towards him, when a force grabs me around the waist and hauls me back.

In front of me, I see Namtur, a tentacle pushing me back, while Itilla and Paradeso drag me by arms. Kitugo jumps to his feet, but freezes at the presence of Namtur, who is larger than him. His terrifying eye turns and locks on Kitugo.

"This isn't over, Arkhela!" Kitugo screams. "I challenge you to Vokten-athor! Tonight!" He walks out of the room with his companions, fuming.

"Young lord, the Zathat are already nervous enough having me in the city, please don't give them another reason to hate my brethren." Namtur says, before he disappears in a dark flash.

"Arkhela, please be careful. We can't have you quarreling with every warrior who gives you a cross word. He has challenged you to Vokten-athor, or warrior's strength. You'll have to fight him tonight, and we wont know the rules until he announces them. This is going to sow division among our warriors." Ichito says grimly.

"No. This be good." Hriik says. "Give warriors courage. Make warriors know Arkhela strength. Prepare for war."

"And if he loses?" Ichito asks.

"Not happening. I trust Arkhela." Hriik says confidently, placing an arm around my shoulders.

"As do I." Say Kriia, and this is soon echoed by my other bodyguards.

"Fine then, you had better prepare yourself. I will notify the people." Ichito turns and walks out.

Lisanth approaches me with confidence and a smile.

"Thanks. You didn't have to defend me." She says.

"Of course I did. I'm your leader, right?" I reply.

"Yes, you are, but what does that have to do with anything?"

"As your leader, it is my job to protect you, just as it is yours to protect me. Nobody insults my team and gets away with it." I say, pulling Lisanth into a hug. She hugs me back.

"You'd better go get prepared. There's a training field near the outskirts. I want you to kick his ass." Lisanth says, with her eastern European accent.

I bid my new companions goodbye, and leave, Thanatos by my side. It seems that he has done a lot of exploration, and I follow him to the training field.

This ought to be good. My second voice says.

Yes, for once, I'll agree with you. I don't like him, reminds me too much of a popular kid at school.  I reply, sighing.

I begin training, preparing myself for tonight.

Tell me whatcha thought! I know this was quite a bit shorter than normal, but its challenging to write dialogue. Are you apprehensive? Let me know! Leave a vote and share this with your friends, it helps me to improve my writing! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2016 ⏰

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