Chapter 1 - Kage's Past

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"Hey mama, mama!" I called from my bed. Mama came around the corner. Her hair was red as blood and her eyes were golden "Yes dear?" She said with a soft and loving tone in her voice "Can you get me a drink of water?" I asked and she gave me a smile. The kind of mothers that actually care for their children "Sure thing my little boy." And off she went. I turned to my right and noticed that my older brothers were fast sleeping, Krypton and Storm. They are both twins but they don't look the same at all.

I looked out the window next to my bed and saw the moon. I sat there looking at the sky and there I saw a shooting star. I said it nice and loud "I wish to be a hero one day... Like daddy!" I believe that my wish will come true soon "That's a good wish... You will be one, Kage." I turned to see mother with the wooden cup in her hand "Really mama?" She passes the cup over to me "Yes... Now sleep Kage. Your father will teach you how to fight tomorrow, better rest up." She said. I lay back down and closed my eyes.

I woke up the next morning. My brothers were getting ready getting on their light armor. I looked at them "Morning..." They both looked at me "Hey little Kage! Ready for your first lesson!" Krypton said with a smile "I hope you're the dummy for today..." Storm looked away as he put his armor on "Don't be shy Kage. You should be as excited as I am right now..." Krypton looked like dad but Storm has mama's red hair. They both had the same color of eyes as daddy.

"Krypton, Storm!" They both turned to look at the door and they both stood up straight. I looked and saw daddy. Daddy has black hair with deep blue eyes "Go and get the training area ready." He said and both of them nodded their heads. Krypton and Storm left the room "Kage... I have something for you until you get a little bit older or you can't fit it." He passes me a box. I looked in the box. What was inside excited me. There was brown with white leather armor and a sword but a small one.

"Thank you, Daddy!" I said as I hugged him but he didn't hugged me back. He sighed and looked at me. I quickly put on the armor and grabbed my sword that my daddy got me "You ready?" He asked. I smiled to show that I was ready for anything "Let's go..." He said. Daddy lead the way to the training area. Daddy trained Krypton and Storm since when they were 6 years old. And today is my birthday which makes me 6. I was happy and walked by his side. My daddy is my hero and I want to be just like him when I grow up.

"It's ready, father..." Storm said. Storm was so formal around daddy and so was Krypton. I try to stand straight as well "Aww, my little bro looks cute!" I turned to see Krypton carrying a dummy on his back "Kage looks weak to deal huge damage to us." Storm said. Krypton put down the dummy and surprised attacked him but Storm moves out of the way. Krypton turned and to pin his younger brother "I guess you're getting better, huh baby bro." He said it with a smile.

"Krypton!!" I looked at them but I was a bit nervous and excited "Storm... You need to be faster on your feet and plan an attack when your attacker is in a weak positioning! I don't want any weaklings, got that!" He yelled "Y-Yes father..." Storm nodded his head. Then he looked at Krypton "Good job... Next time, don't hesitate to point your sword to the neck." Krypton put his head down "Yes father." He looked at me "Now... I want to see you try." I looked at him.

I pulled out my sword and looked at Krypton. My father was watching and Storm rolled his eyes. As quickly as I can I try to slash Storm, trying to surprise him. He moved and pulled out both of his swords. I gave out a battle cry and charged at Storm. Storm jumped as high as he could which made me stop. Storm slashed me at my left side of my face. I cried and Storm kicked me to the ground. Storm jumped and was about to land on me but I rolled out of his range. I looked at Storm.

Storm smirked and charged at me. I prepared for a hit. Storm pushed me into a throne bush. He reach in to pull me out. He threw me across the opening to daddy feet. I try to get up but Storm slashed my forehead. There is blood all over my face and it was mines. Storm pinned me down to the ground "Next time... Don't mess with me, weakling!" Storm said as he let me go. I looked at daddy "Good job, Storm... Kage." Krypton looked at me as if he knew what was going to happen and quickly looked away. I tilted my head but then I felt a sword to my neck.

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