Chapter 4

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Finn began to pace around the room. He was about to meet Rachel at the airport so they could go see the game in Vancouver. They had been hanging out a lot recently and he wanted to ask her on a date.
"Come on. Man up. There's only a 50 percent chance she'll say no.....oh god what if she does say no. Stop thinking like that Finn you're making it worse,"

Finn sighed and left his house, getting into his truck and driving to the airport. As he walked inside, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Once he saw the screen, he began to smile. It was Rachel.
Quickly he picked up.
"Hello," he answered.

"Hey I was wondering where we should meet. I'm in the parking lot right now."

"Just walk in. I actually just walked in"

"Ok I'm here turn around"

Finn turned around and smiled at the small brunette. "Hi," she said giving him a smile.
" look beautiful"

"Thanks" she said blushing

------------on the plane----------

Finn and Rachel had been talking the whole time bonding over small things and arguing over who the best artist is. Rachel believed Barbra Streisand was while Finn thought otherwise.

After a while, Rachel leaned her head on Finns shoulder immediately moving it...."oh my gosh I'm sorry I probably made you really uncomfortable"

"No it's fine seriously...don't worry about it," Finn said reassuringly, "you can lean on me again..i-if you'd like"

Rachel smiled and leaned her head back on his shoulder drifting off to sleep in a couple minutes

"Rach wake up"
Rachel heard a soft, sweet voice as she stirred in her sleep.
"Cmon rach wake up"
All of a sudden she felt someone shaking her shoulders a bit.
She opened her eyes to see Finn standing in front of her shaking her shoulders while everyone was leaving the plane.
"Nice nap?" He said with a smirk that made made her melt on the inside.
"Guess you could say that," she said blushing a bit. She got up and they both got off the plane. After they had gotten all of their belongings they headed to their hotel.

"What do you mean there's only one bed? I ordered two!"

"Sorry sir , but it's the only room we have left. We can offer you a nicer view if you'd like"

"No no I don't want a nicer view. I just want the room I booked a couple nights ago."

After a couple more minutes of Finn arguing with the lady at the front desk, with Finn clearly losing the argument, he gave up and both Rachel and him went to their room.

"I can take the couch if you'd like," Rachel said

"No I couldn't let you do that. I'll take the couch"

"Finn," Rachel said giving him a serious look

"Rachel," he said mimicking her.

"I hate you sometimes you know that," she said slapping his shoulder gently and taking the room key out of his hand. She opened the door and walked in looking around.
"It's not too bad just sorta small," she said while putting her bag down next to the small dresser and making her way over to what they both expected to be a couch. It was only a small, but comfortable chair. "Looks like we'll be sleeping in the same bed.....that didn't sound right...I mean we'll be.." He sighed accepting the fact that this 5'3 brunette made him anxious even though they'd only know each other for a short amount of time.
She laughed at him. Not at him directly, but at how cute he was when he was nervous. Stop it Rachel. He's your partner for the assignment. Keep it together. "It's fine. Just stay on your side and I'll stay on mine."
He nodded in response and Rachel headed to the bathroom to take a shower and get into her pajamas. After shutting the door she decided to text Tina because she was freaking out about having to share a bed with Mr. dreamy eyes with the handsome smile. Yeah she liked him already. There's nothing wrong with that besides that fact that they're only working together because of work. Other than that, he'll probably never speak to her again when there are so many people that are way more attractive than her. She wanted to befriend this guy and slowly (and hopefully) begin a relationship, not meet him and automatically jump into bed with him. It's not like they had a choice. She wasn't going to make him sleep on the floor. Still, she was nervous.
The last time she like a guy, he egged her for being on the opposing glee club. His plan was to break her heart so she wouldn't be able to perform at her best and he almost succeeded. His team Vocal Adrenaline did win, but her team New Directions took second place with pride. They knew in their hearts they were much better, but the judges were delusional she thought to herself. That had to be. They must've been. That's the only plausible reason for her solo not leading her team to victory and off to nationals. She killed Because of You by Kelly Clarkson. It fit her voice and feelings perfectly. She even cried during it like she does most of her solos.
So, she texted Tina with the message "T, there's only one bed!!! And no couch!! We have to share one!! I'm freaking out as you can tell!! -Rachel*"


When Tina's phone began to buzz alerting her with Rachel's message she let out a groan because she was in the middle of making out with Mike. Yes she was fully aware they had just met, but it felt like she had known him for much longer even though that sounds extremely cheesy. Mike was pretty disappointed too. He really liked Tina and loved spending time with her. The making out with her was just a bonus.
Tina looked at her phone and understood that this was important so she asked Mike if he could get her some water, so that she could text Rachel without looking crazy. When she normally texts with advice she texts quickly and presses the buttons on her phone a lot harder than she should. She didn't want Mike to think she was some psycho person especially since they hadn't known each other very long. So Tina texted Rachel back with the advice of "it'll be fine girl don't worry about it! Just don't do anything unless you're ready and have protection😉 good luck and have fun! Don't be too paranoid!!"

Receiving that message made Rachel at ease. Tina always knew how to calm her down when she was freaking out like this.
After she had finished everything she needed to do in the bathroom, she grabbed her stuff and walked out. "Bathrooms all yours," she said folding her clothes and putting them back in her suitcase. "As you can see I've already gotten ready for bed" He said jokingly, "you were in there for a loong time."

"Sorry night ritual"

He just raised an eyebrow and laughed a bit.
"I'm not crazy. I just do certain stuff to keep my face looking fresh and healthy." He laughed at her which resulted in her throwing a pillow at him, hitting him right in the face.
He threw the pillow back and her and after a couple of minutes, they were both hysterical laughing and somehow Finn had made his way over to Rachel and was now tickling her after pinning her down onto the mattress.
"S-stop or I'm going to have to go to the bathroom soon," she said laughing like she had never laughed before
He laughed. "Not unless you say 'Finn Hudson is the best person ever and is the most attractive man alive'"
"You..are such a child"
He shrugged,"fine," and kept tickling her.
"Fine fine I surrender! I surrender! Finn Hudson is the best person ever and is the most attractive man alive!! Happy?"
She slapped him on the shoulder. "I can't believe you actually made me say that."
"Hey you didn't have to. You decided to."
"What? No. You would've kept tickling me!"
"True," he said laughing again.
She began to laugh too.

When they stopped laughing, they stared right into each other's eyes. Finn half smiled which made Rachel blush. She had hoped he would lean in and kiss her, but all he said was "we go to sleep. It's getting late."
Rachel nodded in agreement. "Y-yeah totally."
He got off of her and headed to the other side of the bed. What are you doing Hudson? Keep it together.

She climbed under the covers and so did he; both of them on their own side. "Night rach." She still couldn't help but smile at that. Thankfully he couldn't see it because she had turned the other way to shut off the light. "Night Finn."
They both drifted of to sleep ready for the game the next day while thinking about one another without the other knowing.
Also, don't worry Finn will ask Rachel for that date soon😉
Next chapter will have some klaine!!
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