Chapter 6

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"Are you done yet?" Finn asked standing outside the bathroom door. "The game starts in half an hour."

"Alright I'm do I look?" Rachel asked walking out of the bathroom.

He stared at her with a partially open mouth "you make jerseys look sexy" he realized what he said out loud and stammered, "I-I mean-I didn't-I-"
She cut him off laughing, "it's totally fine I mean I do rock jerseys so I've been told. Now cmon we're going to be late for the game."

When they arrived at the game, almost all the seats were filled. They made it to their seats, apologizing to everyone they bumped into. Once they sat down they looked at each other and started laughing.
"Did you see that guys face? He was so ready to kill us for blocking his view of the vacuum commercial." Rachel said laughing hysterically.
"Or that lady that threw popcorn at us for accidentally bumping into her." Finn said.

They continued to laugh until the game started five minutes later. As soon as the game began, both of their faces went blank and they focused on the starting players. The game started off simple until one of the players on Vancouver's team was shoved into the wall. By now everyone was standing. The fans of the Canucks booed the opposing team and said there should be a foul. Rachel grunted when the other team missed the shot and shouted "are you kidding me?!"
Finn laughed at her. She looked at him. "How are you not pissed about this?" "Oh trust me I am, but you getting all fired up in funny especially since you're so short." "Hey I'm not short, you're just freakishly tall." "Maybe. You're still short though."

During halftime Finn and Rachel discussed the game, which was more of a rant than a normal conversation. Back and forth they went saying what was wrong with the refs and the fouls the other team deserved. They were so focused on their conversation about the game that they didn't notice that the kiss cam started.

The camera landed on Rachel and the guy next up her. He winked at her and she just blinked at him until Finn gently turned her cheek, so she was facing him. The camera panned to the left, which now showed Rachel and Finn kissing. Their kiss ended right after the camera went off of them and on to the next pair. Finn looked at the screen right after while Rachel hadn't moved an inch. He glanced over at her out of the corner of his eye while she just stared at him. "I-" she began to say, but was interrupted by Finn, who finally turned and looked at her. "I'm sorry it was all I could think of to get you out of the kiss with the other guy."
"I was going to say I liked it...."
They watched the rest of the game shouting, but never spoke a word to one another.

Take me out to the ball gameOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora