45 Things To Do When You're Bored

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     Are you bored? Of course you are! You wouldn't be reading this otherwise! Here's a list of things to do if you're bored otta your mind!

1: Try to lick your elbow. How many hours of endless fun would that be?

2: Try to say "Good Eye Might" without sounding Austrailian

3: Go to a random person's message board, and put "I like licking green poles."

4: Eat an apple without using your hands! 

5: QUICK! Don't think about puppies!

6:  Freak out! It's fun!

7: Yodle in a gruff old man voice.

8: Go up to a random person, scream in their face, and back away slowly.

9: Do an "underwater" adventure in your bathtub.

10: Go to McDonalds and ask for a sad meal :(

11: Knock on someone's door and say 'why on earth is there a door on the front of your house??!!'.

12: When someone says "thanks captain obvious" be a jerk and say "your welcome sergaint sarcasm."

13: Make. Pauses. In. Your. Brain. Like. This.

14: Stare blankly at people eating in a resturant though the window. See the reaction!

15: Yell out the car window, "I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE" to random people.

16: Crack an egg on the sidewalk on a hot day and see how long it takes to cook.

17: Stand in the middle of the mall with some friends, link arms, kick dance and sing the safety song.

18: Call Dominos ask for the number to Pizza Hut.

19: Go to a person eating a burger and say "can I have a bite?".

20: Make slime out of cornstarch ^.^.

21: Go up to someone and yell "LALALALAPANTS!" when they stare, say "hey, don't look at my unicorn."

22: Run around town screaming "I AM THE CHOSEN ONE!"

23: Call Domino's and ask "is this the Crusty Crab?" And hope they say "No this is Patrick".

24: Next time your friend calls you tell them they have the wrong number.

25: Write "life" on your shirt and hand people lemons.

26: Cows are Awesome.

27: Ask every fifth person on the street where waldo is.

28: Make a large sign saying "FREE HUGS", then walk down a busy street with it.

29: Change your name on peoples phones to GOD text them and see what happens.

30: Become really bored.

31: Look really scared and back away pointing at something behind someone and run away screaming.

32: Make vanilla pudding. Put in mayo jar. Eat in public.

33: When in a car roll down the window and ask the person next to you "do you like peanut butter?"

34: In the middle of a very important test yell "THIS IS SPARTA".

35: Run up to someone and say: "Hey, I know you! You're that guy!".

36: Throw m&ms at bald guys heads in the movie theaters!

37: Mix up some blue kool-aid, put it in a Windex bottle, and drink away. 

38: Try to swallow your tongue.

39: Wax the ceiling.

40:  Braid your dog's hair.

41: Water your dog...see if he grows...

42: Give your cat a mohawk.

43: Mow your carpet.

44:  Speak in acronyms.

45:  Flash your mailman.


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