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~Kyle's p.o.v ~

We got into the elevator and he pressed the bottom that had a 4 next to it. The elevator jilted and started to move up. It stopped after a minute and the doors opened. I continued to follow the doctor until we got to the room.
He tried to open the door but it was locked. He checked his watch and nodded. He looked at me and shrugged and tried to open it again.
We eventually got in and the lights were off. We rushed over to the bed and saw a someone doing surgery on him already.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" The doctor beside me panicked

The doctor that was doing surgery jumped and said
"It's his time! Look at the time if you don't believe me!"

The doctor beside me looked at his watch and loosened up a bit and got the surgical equipment on and headed on the other side of the bed.

"You should have told someone that you were starting" the doctor said frustrated

"Before we start I think your job outside of this isn't done" the doctor that was in trouble said

They both looked at me and the doctor that brought me here said

"Can you wait outside of a bit? You can see him when he wakes up."

I nodded and headed outside. I sat on the chair near by and for some reason got angry. My veins filled with anger and hate. What the hell is wrong with me?
The ticking led me to madness. The room grew erie quiet and I only could here a clock ticking. The silence was buzzing. I looked around and nobody was around.
I started to panic. I felt my blood rushing faster and my heart speeding up. My eyes were so wide they were starting to tear up. I looked all around me to try and find just one thing, ONE PERSON just to break this nightmare.

Then everything went silent. The only thing I could hear now is the wind from outside and when it wasn't blowing I could hear my own heart beat.

I can't take it no more.

I got up and blacked out.

This time I really could hear my own heart beat following along with the sound of my blood flowing.

~Johnnie's p.o.v ~

I woke up and the room was dull and cold. I looked out the window and it was raining. It explained why it was so Colorless in the room.

I had a blurry memory of someone, and it made me tear up.

The door creaked open dropping me from my thoughts and the doctor said

"You will be able to go home at 5pm today"

I wanted to feel excited but a piece of me feels empty.

"LET ME GO! I NEED TO SEE HIM!" A familiar voice struck from the hallway. I shot a stare at the doctor

"That voice!" I yelled

The doctor looked at me confused

"Who was that?!" I added

"I-i" he studdered

"TELL ME!" I demanded

~Kyle's p.o.v ~

"TELL ME!" A voice screamed from the passing room

I paused and thought really hard. John? No. J-jamie? No no NO! Johnnie. JOHNNIE!

"JOHNNIE!" I screamed

"KYLE?!" He screamed back

My heart skipped a beat. He remembers me. My rage grew stronger to break free but they were to strong. My heart beat heavier. My love flew through me and I fought more.

~Johnnie's p.o.v ~

Why did I scream that name? But it got his attention. When I heard him call my name my heart skipped a beat and memories came flying back and I felt love swim through me.
I jumped out of the bed and headed towards the door. I looked down the hallway and called


He looked back and I saw his eyes sparkle in the dull hallway. He tried reaching back for me but struggled while fighting to get free. I started running towards Kyle and was about to chain hands together.

Sorry for the cliffhanger but that's all the time I got for today. If someone suggests another chapter I will try to upload it but if Noone suggests then it will be one upload a week.
Have a good day or night :)

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