Skype Calls

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You'd been waiting for this all day. Every night for the past week Robyn would Skype you, to check up on you to make sure your doing good and to tell you about her recent tour and to see how your day is going. It was the only thing that kept you going during those long work hours; the fact that in a few short hours you get to see your girlfriends smiling face. You just got home everything was set up all that was left was to see your girlfriend incoming call.

Her concert had ended later than usual tonight she had gone out for food with her crew after the show . Usually Robyn waited until most of her crew were asleep to Skype, just so that they weren't listening to your conversations, as they tended to get a bit personal sometimes. You waited for hours just staring at your phone hoping it would buzz. When it finally did, you practically jumped and looked at the screen.

Bajan Goddess 😩😘😍 : you ready babe ?

Princess🙌🏻💏👑 : YESSS!!!

You typed your reply as fast as you could and  turned to your computer and looked at the screen and waited for the Skype ringtone to sound. When it did you automatically pressed the green button and Robyn's face illuminated the screen. You smile and jump up and down excited to finally see her again.

"Hey baby girl." She hums and you smile

"Hey RiRi." You giggle and move to lay down to get a better view of your sexy ass girlfriend 

"So how was your day?"

"It was okay." You admit "today at work was so stressful my boss moved my desk in front of this irritating bitch named Kathy then we got assigned extra work all just because someone forgot to shut down the printer before they left so it's broke now, anyways how was your day.?

"Wow it was way better than yours." She jokes "the concert took a little longer than it should have because my fucking opening act showed up late then the tour bus driver lost his keys shit pissed me the fuck off because my wardrobe was in there so I showed up to perform 35 minutes late." She tells you frowning.

You notice it's really dark on the bus and you cock your head to the side a bit. You watch as she leans down on her arms and smile. You'd always loved when she does that, she looks adorable to you.

"What time is it there.?" You ask her curiously she furrows her brow and looks down in the corner of the computer screen.

"It's almost three in the morning." She says and you frown 

"Oh." You say and look down, picking at your sheets "you can go to sleep if you want baby."

"I can sleep when I'm dead y/n." She says chuckling and starts to talk, making you grin widely

You both start to talk for hours and hours and after a while you both are so tired you start to laugh at everything. You start to tell a joke about something Tanisha told you the other day during your lunch break Robyn lets out a huge laugh then covers her mouth.

"Shhhh." You shush her, while laughing " you Finna wake up everybody in that bus."

"So they can get the fuck out I'm trying to spend time with my baby before I have to go back to work besides it's really not that many people in here." She tells you while rolling her eyes

"To late you may need to take advice from your girl here rob and shut the fuck up some people on this damn bus would like to have their fucking beauty rest." Somebody said complaining and you start laughing "hey y/n."

"Hey whoever- this- is." You smile

"Its Melissa." The voice mumbles 

"Bitch who the hell you think you getting an attitude with cause it definitely ain't me." Robyn says turning around to look at Melissa

"You hoe you ain't nobody look all I'm saying is y'all need to shut that shit down because the whole bus Finna be woke." Mel said with an attitude before Robyn can say anything you interrupted 

"Sorry Mel." You say and smile at Robyn "you wanna go to sleep now."

"Yeah baby girl, I'm really tired." She yawns "imma hit you up again on here tomorrow and once I wake up I will text you okay babe."

"Okay. Imma miss you baby." You say pouting

"I know imma miss you too sweetie but i will fly you down to one of my shows so make sure you're available on those days ok." Robyn says staring at you sweetly

"Ok I will I love you baby." You say blushing 

"I love you more." She grins and you roll your eyes smiling "sleep well."

"You too darling." She blows you a kiss; you blow one back and hang up 

You close your laptop and put it down you hear your phone buzz. You grab it off the night table to see a goodnight text from Robyn and you smile. You send her a quick one back and then lay down, grabbing her pillow and cuddling up to it. You close your eyes and quickly dozed off to sleep with a big smile on your face.

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