Which Was Real

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It was an out of body experience, like he was watching himself do this.

Like his soul was watching his body violently stab the girl in a crime of passion and no matter how hard he tried he couldn't stop it.

And now the beautiful blonde lay in his bed, her blood strewn everywhere, dampening the mattress.

He just sat there giggling manically, admiring his work.  A satanic grin on his face that seemed too wide to be humanly possible.

After a couple more gurgling coughs, she fell limp.  Crimson slowly dripping out of her partially opened mouth.

He awake with a jolt even farther in darkness, but all he could see was red.  Panicking, he sat up sending his damp crimson sheets flying half off the bed.

Why were his sheets red? Why were they damp? Why was his body sticky?
Oh wait, he did laundry two days earlier, and he was sweating after the dream he had.

But it felt so real.

After his eyes semi-adjusted to the pitch black, he saw a splash of gold.  What had he done?
The figure it was attached to was a little less than the length of the bed.

Oh no.

He ran to the bathroom, splashed water on his face in a desperate attempt to wake up from this perceived reality.

Looking in the mirror, he was covered in blood. 'Last night was Halloween, yeah that's it,' he thought to himself, in a desperate attempt to ease his anxiety.

He checked around the house to make sure all the doors and windows were closed and locked because he didn't feel safe anymore. He found all the clocks, even his watch, stopped at 3:33 AM and his calendar flipped to June 6, 2006.

Cautiously, he approached his room with the curiosity and stupidity of a horror movie victim that heard a thump upstairs while home alone.

He flung the covers off, there lay his golden retriever. He let out a sigh of relief and proceeded to lay back down, making a mental note to never watch horror movies again.

He pet the dog's soft side. It wasn't moving. She was dead.

With a knife lodged in her throat and her blood drained.

The clocks resumed ticking.

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