Calm down.

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Eleanor's POV:
I turned around and walked away quickly. Once I entered into the house I ran up to my room. I got inside and locked the door. My heart was pounding loudly in my chest.

Suddenly someone banged at the door. I ignored it. "Little mate I know you are in there. Open up", he sang. His voice sounded like he was a murderer in one of those horror movies going to kill their victim.

I got under my sheets and covered myself. I closed my eyes and prayed for someone to help me. Suddenly the door broke down. I peeked from the sheets. He walked towards me slowly.

"Don't you know, you're not suppose to treat your mate like that?", he said and pulled the sheets off me.

"Please leave me", I begged as tears were streaming down my face. Suddenly Ashton jumped on top of him. This caught him off guard and he fell on his face with Ashton on top.

He turned around and started throwing punches at Ashton. His father and the Alpha rushed inside. They pulled Zachary away and injected him with something.

I was holding my pillow and shaking and crying. Zachary scared the nuts out of me. My mom ran towards me and held me. I cried in her embrace.

"Mom he looked so scary", I sobbed, my voice breaking as I spoke. "Shuush, its going to be ok", she rubbed my back. Spencer and Elissa entered my room and sat next to me.

"I'm tired can I sleep?", I asked. "Sure", Spencer said and walked me to her room.

They tucked me in and drew the curtains. "Stay here only", I chocked out. " Don't worry we'll be here only", Elissa said and pushed a few strands of hair off my face.

I closed my eyes and sleep overtook me.

I could hear people whispering, I stirred in bed. The voices stopped and the feet shuffled. I felt someone's gaze on me so I opened my eyes.

Elissa and Spencer were above me smiling. "Hi", I smiled back. "How you feeling?", Elissa asked. "Better", I sat up. "Drink some water", Spencer handed me a glass full of water. I gulped it down.

Just then we heard the noise of something breaking. The noise increased slowly as if someone was throwing furniture.

We ran outside the room to where the noise was heard. It was Zachary's room. "Girls please step aside", Ashton said. I turned back and saw Alpha, Ashton and Zachary's father.

We moved aside and his father opened the door. "Where is that witch?", Zachary roared.

I froze. Hearing his voice was enough to make me pee in my pants. 'Run', my mind yelled at me. Somehow my legs were not following that and stayed glued to their place.

I stood on my toes and stole a glance from above Ashton's shoulder. Zachary was sniffing around. "I can smell her", he turned towards me.

I stood back on my feet and hid behind Ashton. "It's all because of you", Zachary said and pounced at me. Ashton pushed me back and he fell backwards. Zachary was on top of Ashton trying to get away.

Ashton managed to push Zachary back and his father and Alpha caught hold of him. They had to struggle to keep him from getting out of their hold.

Aston grabbed an injection from the table and injected Zachary. A few seconds later Zachary lost his conscious.

They tucked him into his bed. "His eyes", I covered my face as the tears fell. "Don't cry, it's okay", Spencer said. She and Elissa and besides me and hugging me.

"He should be out for another two hours or so", Ashton said. "Everyone in my study. Get the pack doctor to check him", Alpha said and walked out. Everyone followed him.

The rest were already present in his study when I entered. We all sat on the chairs, just then there was a knock. "Come in", the Alpha instructed.

The door opened and the pack doctor entered. "Alpha, I've checked Zachary there's nothing wrong with him. He isn't sick", the pack doctor said.

"Thank you. You can leave now." The pack doctor walked out.

"What's wrong with my son", Zachary's mom started crying. The Luna and my mom went beside her to comfort her.

"But wasn't it weird that he had golden eyes", Ashton said.

"Golden eyes?", my mom frowned. "It was shinning", Spencer added. "Plus his voice was scary", Elissa said.

"Oh no!", my mom exclaimed. She stood up and started walking around.

"Mom, what's wrong?", I asked. Everyone's gaze was on her as she paced up and down.

"After everything Eleanor told me about Zachary this morning. There's only one reason why he's behaving this way", she said and let out a breath.

"Oh shit", I stood up. "He's the last royal werewolf", we said together.

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