My Birthday. (Part 1)

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Eleanor's POV:
I woke up snuggled against my boyfriend. Thinking about him and his confession yesterday bought a smile to my face. Finally I was his and he was mine.

I pulled a bit away and looked up at his face. He was snoring a bit and his mouth was open with a bit of drool falling out. He looked so cute and adorable. He was sleeping shirtless so I got an awesome view of his hot body. My eyes kept on roaming all over him.

"Stop staring at me like that", he mumbled.

My eyes widened. "How long have you been awake?"

"Not for long." His eyes were still closed and his mouth formed a small smile.

"Well now that you're up I'm going to the washroom", I turned around and tried to get up.

"No you're not going anywhere", Zachary said and turned me around to face him again.

"It's my birthday. I wanna do stuff", I grumbled.

"And I wanna mate. As you are finally of age", he winked at me. My cheeks turned hot.

"Shut up." I hid my face with my hand and Zachary just laughed.

"Good to know that you like embarrassing me. Don't worry, your turn will come soon."

"Is that a warning?"

"Maybe", I smiled innocently at him.

"That's so hot", he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Now let me go before I pee on you", I narrowed my eyes at him and he just rolled his eyes.

"So dramatic."

He let me go and I got off the bed and walked into the washroom. I brushed my teeth and then took my clothes from my closet before going for a shower since I didn't want to be naked anywhere near Zachary.

When I came out all dressed up he wasn't there in the room. The bed was made and the windows were opened. I smiled looking around my room. His strong scent was still in the room, which reminded me I needed to know what perfume he used. Whatever it was it calmed me down a lot.

I dried my hair and left my room to go down for breakfast.

"Good morning mom", I greeted her as I entered the kitchen.

"Hey sweetie, good morning. Hope you slept well", she said with a big smile and winked at me.

"Mom!", I groaned.

"I didn't say anything", she said.

"You winked", I said and she laughed and handed me a plate with bacon and eggs.

"Where is everyone?", I asked.


"Okayyyy", I frowned at her waiting for her to continue but she just ignored me and started eating her breakfast.

Just as I finished eating the doorbell rang. "Go and open the door", my mom said and I nodded.

I pulled open the door and stood shocked at the person in front of me.

"Rose?" I stared at the girl I'm front of me. I was seeing her after so long.

"Heyyyy", she squealed.

"Happy Birthday", she yelled and hugged me.

"Thank you", I said and hugged her back.

"Rose how'd you come back?" I asked.

"I can't miss anyone's birthday", she said in a tone of stating facts.

"But still it's so great to have you back", I hugged her again.

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