chapter 2

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After Nicolas was arrested and sentenced to 70 years in prison Enrique hired his best group of investigators to find out what Donald trump's evil plan to destroy Jamacia is. "What is Donald trump planning on useing to destroy jamacia?" Said one of the investigators " all I know is that he is using something of great power" responded Nicolas "What do you mean, great power is he using somthing like a nuclear strike?" Said the investigator "it it much more powerful then that it's an atom bomb 64x as powerful." Nicolas answered "that is all we need" said the investigators they then left the room leaveing Nicolas inside. Enrique was standing outside waiting to find what the investigators have found out. "He said there is a atom bomb 64x more powerful then a normal one, our conclusion is that they might be working with the Koreans, or some place with mass amounts of plutonium." Said the investigators to Enrique "we need more information, and we need to get Jamaica's vice president and all of the people there to safety."

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