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I looked out of the peep hole, waiting for Liam. I leaned back and texted him, tapping my foot anxiously against the tile.

Hey, babe. Is everything fine?

My fingers moved slowly over the keys as if I was hesitating. I didn't want be that girlfriend that would bother you every second of the day but I was worried. Liam hadn't texted me for a couple of hours. It was just me constantly calling and texting him nonstop.

Maybe he could be hurt!? He could have be in a bad accident. I don't know what to think. I really hope he's okay just so can I kick his fucking ass for worrying me.

Maybe I should go to his house to check on him? At this point I just want to make sure that he's okay," Mom! I'm going to go check on Liam", I screamed to the kitchen from the living room.

"Is everything okay, Brookie!", my mom said with concern dripping from her voice.

"I don't know... that's why I want to check up on him. I'll be back in around twenty! Love you!" I said frantically.

"Love you to-", I left before she could finish. I ran to my car and used my shaking hands to get my keys out of my pocket. Shit. If my hands didn't stop shaking, Liam could have died and been buried by the time I would have started the car.

I unlocked the car and hopped in. When I started driving I didn't even care how fast I was driving. I'm pretty sure I was way past 55 mph but I didn't get stopped by police so I continued to be fast and furious. Yep, that was me. The girlfriend who was planning to cut her boyfriends balls off because he wouldn't answer my calls.

When I got to his house I saw his car in the driveway. I sprinted to his door step and pounded on the door. Someone opened it but it wasn't him. A blonde bitch around my age appeared in one of his shirts and a disgusted expression on her face.

"Where's the pizza? I didn't know Cheezy's just starting hiring anybody", she said with a annoyed tone.

This is the moment she knew she fucked up.

"I didn't know your dumb blonde ass was sleeping with my boyfriend. I guess we all learned new things today"

"How am I suddenly dumb? You dont know me, you pathetic loser. He doesn't want you anymore. Move on"

"I have eyes. Obviously his taste has gone basura if he thinks you or your attitude is attractive. But hey, there's somebody for everybody"

I wasn't mad. No. Mad was an understatement. I'm enraged to the power of a billion. I swung open his bedroom door and marched to him. He was calm and collected, playing his x-box. He saw me and his face turned nervous. He got up and tried to play it off.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I said in almost a psychotically calm way, shoving his chest,"Are you this much of a pussy that you have to cheat and not break up with me?" I scolded. He towered over me, looking anywhere but my face because of guilt," Look at me when I'm fucking talking to you. You can't actually be this childish! You made your bed, now lay in it."

"I came here thinking something happened to you because you wouldn't answer any of my texts or calls! You were supposed to pick me up but I guess you became brain dead after fucking that dumb bitch in your living room", I concluded pointing my thumb back to the stairs. "Well you're finally single. I hope you got everything your heart desired", I lectured before taking a few punches at his chest. I couldn't cry even after feeling this betrayed. My body wouldn't let me.

"Brooke, baby. She's just a frien-" he said trying to grab my fists but I pulled my hands out of his hold and continued to hit him with all my force. I saw his concerned face change to an angry one in seconds. I wish he would hit me in anger. I would only fuck him up more.

"Don't call me that ever again in your goddamn life. You lost all the rights when you decided you didn't love me anymore and that I wasn't — good enough for you anymore? And don't attempt to lie to me. My mother didn't raise a fool. Friends don't fuck each other behind my back", I said the last with no regrets. I was finished with him.

I ripped the necklace that he got me for my birthday last year off and threw it at him. It was a shame because it the only piece of jewelry I owned that I wore everyday.

"Brooke I never stopped loving you. Things just got complicated. It was a mistake that is irreversible and I wan't to take it back but it's too late. I will always love you and you know I do. I just make bad decisions. Fuck. Terrible decisions. "

"Great performance. Bravo! I'm done with these reindeer games", I chuckled. walking out of his room and making my way downstairs to leave. I spotted his pocket pussy waiting by the door.

"Bye, basura. I hope you don't catch anything. He said something about itching down there and I told him to get tested but hey, you never know", I shrugged smirking.

Her eyes grew and she took off into Liam's direction,"LIAM!", an evil grin appeared on my face as I walked out of the door but it quickly faded after I just realized what happened.

Pieces of shit.

I walked angrily to my car, pulling my keys out of my pocket . I got in and drove back home. I saw my knuckles turn white as I repeatedly gassed the car.

So much for 'I love you'.

I got home and ran up stairs to my room thinking of all the possible reasons not to lose my shit. I slammed the door and slid down. Fucking bastard. By now, the tears finally started to fall and once they started falling I couldn't make them stop.

I felt knocking and heard a soft voice fall through the cracks of the door,"Brookie, honey, open the door", my mom said and I moved to the side so she could open it. She walked in and sat down next to me on the floor. She wrapped her arms around me and I started crying into her shoulder.

"Mom, he cheated on me. I was so good to him and he cheated on me. I wasn't that even that crazy about him. Why does it hurt so much?" I hiccuped.

"It'll always hurt when some cheats on you. If it was the other way around it wouldn't hurt as much. But you're too kind-hearted for that nonsense. You're my little baby Brookie and you always will be" she said and I smiled. She kissed my forehead and hugged me," I love you, Brooklyn. And if he tries to talk to you after this, call me" she said and left. I loved my mom. She could could light up the saddest situations with her personality and her smile. That's what she said my dad always loved about her before he left.

"I love you too", I said getting up.

Now you're probably wondering why he left. My mom told me that he left when she was pregnant in highschool. He wasn't ready for her to have me. He just wasn't ready for children in general. He never asked my mom to abort me or give me away to a foster home. He just left me with her because he felt he was too young to support us.

I was never mad at him. My mom told me that he left a note for me to read for when I got older. She said that he said he loved me but was sorry that he couldn't take care of me or make sure that I got what I needed.

In reality, it's actually been a dream to see him. I've always imagined that I would just run into him and we would instantly be reconnected but I know my chances on encounter are like 1 in 100. I just wish that someday I'll meet him.

After my mom left, I layed on my bed and passed out. All of that crying didn't even leave me enough energy to gossip to my bestfriend. I knew that she would grill me tommorow anyway for anything that I might be hiding.

I guess breakup is tiring.

Helloooo buddies,

It's me the unicorn queen coming to you with a NEW book. IKR. I didn't even think I would do it but I feel like my writing skills were getting better and I wanted to show you guys so here it is.

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