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After an intense marathon of Riverdale & two McDonalds meals we fell asleep in Kai's room.

I woke up to him sleeping soundly beside me with a pillow over his face. His phone suddenly buzzed on his nightstand and I had the urge to look. I mean we've been dating a couple weeks. I feel like I have the right to be nosey now just to make sure he's in line, right?

I reached over and grabbed his phone, turning on the screen. I saw multiple texts from an unkowm number.

Hey babe, I thought u were supposed to come over tonight (;

Come on Kai. Just leave that girl. She's getting in the way of what we have...

I hope u text back so we can arrange something for tonight (;

I looked at Kai with tears forming in my eyes. Guys just don't stop cheating on me. What's wrong with me? I give them everything and they just do me dirty everytime. I don't know why I thought this time would be different especially when I know who I'm dealing with.

I began getting out of the bed causing Kai to stir looking at me with those eyes. Those fucking big eyes,"Hey, baby", he said and when I didn't respond he got up on his elbows,"Brooke, what's wrong? Did I do something?"

I started grabbing my shoes and jacket from his closet, making him jump from the bed and come to me. He stood in front of me blocking my path while I tried to go around.

"Brooke. Stop, babygirl. What going on?", he grabbed my shoulders and I pushed him off trying to walk around again.

The tears in my eyes finally started falling,"Just let me leave. You don't want me here. You were just gonna cheat on me anyway", I said wiping away the free-falling tears.

"What are you talking about? I'm not going to cheat on you", he let out in a whisper, trying to grab the sides on my face in his hands. I thrashed out of his hold and went to grab his phone.

I shoved it at him and he looked at the messages on his lockscreen. His face went into wave waves of confusion,"It's my ex, babygirl. She just fucking with you. She got angry when I broke up with her a year ago and she just comes after anybody I'm dating by trying to make it look like I'm cheating so they'll break up with me. See?", he unlocked his phone, going to her contact and showing me her previous attempts of ruining three other relationships he had.

I immediately broke down, covering my face with my hands. I'm so scared of getting cheated on now that I try to prevent it before it even happens.

He wrapped his arms around me," Don't cry, princess. You were just looking out for yourself", he ran his hand up and down my back", he kissed my head.

"I'm sorry I didn't trust you. I just didn't want it to happen again. I'm so sorry, Kai", I cried into his shirt after I wrapped my arms around his torso. He pulled me back by my shoulders and held my head to look at me. I looked everywhere but him, feeling embarrassed.

"Look at me Brooklyn", I looked between both of his green orbs,"I'm yours and you're mine. Okay babygirl... say it"

"I'm yours and you're mine", I said wiping my eyes with my hand.

"Es mejor que lo creas babygirl", he said smirking. I wrapped my around his neck, placing three chaste kisses on his lips. He rested one hand on my waist and one hand on my bottom. He traced his lips along my jaw and onto my neck biting it softly. I let out a small moan making him place his hands underneath my butt and pick me up. He began kneading my butt, kissing his way back from my neck to my jaw and to my mouth connecting his mouth with mine.

 He began kneading my butt, kissing his way back from my neck to my jaw and to my mouth connecting his mouth with mine

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I disconnected our lips and looked into his eyes. We cant be moving this fast. We just became a thing three weeks ago. I don't want to be that girl that gives it up so quickly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he let my legs come down from around his hips.

"I don't want to move too fast. We're still getting to know each other", I say panting from the excessive kissing.

"I'm down for whatever you are. If you want to slow down, we can. It'll be hard for me, though. Literally. You have my dick about to rip through my pants", he says and I look down noticing his hard on.

"Well you better go take a cold shower then", I say smirking and tapping his chest with my hand. I walk away, knowing he's rolling his eyes.

"Or you can give me head"

"I could cut off your dick instead", I said and he immediately put his hands over his crotch," I mean, seems fair since you almost gave me a heart attack"

"I didn't give you a heart attack. One of my ex-hoes did. So...not my fault"

"And when I break your nose I'm going to say," Oh it was inertia. So...not my fault.", I say rolling my eyes.

"Why are you so violent? I was joking"

"Why are you so inconsiderate? I thought my boyfriend was playing me and almost had a fucking panic attack and you're trying to be funny? Is everything a joke to you?"

"I was trying to lighten the mood"

"Well, it's not working!"

He walked towards me opened his arms hoping for me to hug him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd react that way"

I continued to be stubborn and left him hanging. He eventually wrapped his arms around my shoulders and kissed my forehead,"Don't stay mad at me. Sometimes I say stupid things but you know where my heart is. I wouldn't intentionally hurt you. I like you too much", he said and I smiled. I really shouldn't take anything Kai says to heart. He's still in a rough patch. He's still a bad boy. I just found. way closer to his heart.
I wrapped my arms around his waist making him kiss my forehead again. I moved my head up just enough to kiss his lips.

"Mhmm... I lov- like your hair", he said quickly shaking away what he was originally going to say.

"I like your face"

"Me gusta tu culo", he said kissing my neck and slapping my butt. (I like your ass)

"I already know"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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