Chapter 22

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well here you go :) new chapter! hope you enjoy. vote comment and rate!



My eyes grew wide as Elisha fell to the ground. Her body bounces off the hard floor from the impact of the punch. I gasp but no words left my mouth, not even a scream. I clench onto the edge of the celling hole. My breathing turned into small gasp. No. no. no. no.

“run now”

I gasp again. Who said that? I turn around. I was on a roof. But not the tallest part of the castle. The stars shines bright and there were fields that seemed to last forever and mountains in a far range. Where am I to go?

“run idiot!”

I remember that voice. I look back inside the hole. That guy. The one with blonde hair and tattoos, he was looking straight at me. But his lips didn’t move. It was like his voice was in the wind.

“run or die”

I gasp again. I ran. I barely had any light to see. The nights wind was flowing through my hair, which was damp with sweat. The roof was flat. I ran faster. I turned around to see if anyone came up the hole after me. Elisha?

No it wasn’t. Three men jump out the hole. They didn’t even have to grab a hold of anything. Ohh god. I turn around.

I screamed

I caught myself on the edge where I slipped. The roof I was on stopped. The other roofs were gray and dark, shaped in triangles, opposite of this. I turned back around. The men were smiling. Their bright red eyes glowing in the dark. They started to walk slowly towards me. As if they knew they can catch me without effort. And maybe they can. They were toying with me.

I took a deep breath. Well they are not going to catch me without breaking a sweat. I leaped to the next roof. I gasp as my body hits the side hard. I body starts to slide down.

“No ahh, no” I scream

I grab on to what I can. My body comes to a halt. I can hear growls behind me. My breathing became faster. Ohh god. There was a space next to me that was a flat surface. I swing my legs at least twice before I finally caught a hold onto it. I let go and when I caught my balance I began to run again. Not looking back.

I stop. As the girl, no women, stood in front of me only 6 feet away. Her golden hair blew in the wind. Her red eyes connect with mines.

The thoughts. The voices. They started to flow threw my head again. Screaming. I grab both sides of my scull. They stopped When Elisha came they stopped. No.

I dropped to my knees. I can hear the men footsteps come up behind me again.

I cringed as the voices continue to scream. I look up at Gillian. She pulls two daggers out from her side pockets with an emotionless face. It seemed like an eternity we all stood there. Or maybe it was really a second. I couldn’t tell anymore with the voices.

“Kill me!” I screamed suddenly.

She was caught off guard and took one step back.

“You heard me you bitch!” I drop my hands and place them on my knees. “Kill me now! End my misery!”

Gillian paused. A growl came from behind me.

“Screw it i will kill the bitch”

From behind me a hand grabs my hair pulling it. My sculpt burned in pain. I closed my eyes preparing myself to die. For the voices to stop. Voices need to stop.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2013 ⏰

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