01. Cravings

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The sound of birds tweeting and a soft wind blowing through the plantation could be heard from outside, and it almost seemed like a peaceful morning if it wasn't for the elder Winchester waking up in a cold sweat with the slightest pant escaping his chapped lips. Another nightmare, what else could he possibly deserve?

"Morning. I made breakfast, it's over on the counter," Arose a familiar voice as Dean practically stumbled into the kitchen, where his brother had his nose dug into the laptop again. He simply replied with a soft nod and picked up the usual eggs and bacon from the counter, taking a seat across from Sam as he did so with a soft huff. "You okay? You look kind of.. rough." Sam spoke as his brows lowered in concern, in which Dean just waved it off as usual. "Find anything?" he murmured with a full mouth, causing the younger of the two to raise an eyebrow before continuing on to read his findings aloud, "Get this, a couple less than a days drive from here were found dead in their bed with gunshots to the head, although there was no forced entry and no gun found at the scene, yet they're still classifying it as a suicide. Sound fishy to you?" he asked to his brother who still seemed to be trying to process what Sam just said in order to understand properly. "Boy, that's a tongue twister," he started after he swallowed the food in his mouth, "So, what? Folks get home, go to bed, probably start getting frisky, then both get shot and no one knows how or why and yet they're still calling it a suicide? Man, what would this world do without us?" he commented with a grin and a shake of his head, which resulted in a passive aggressive glare from the man opposing him. "Honestly, I have no idea. Probably crash and burn.." Sam spoke quietly with a sad smile, remembering when Jess said that in reply to him asking the same question all those years ago. Even now, after everything, it still hurt.

The boys exited the bunker after getting properly dressed up and equipped for their fake FBI job, their guess either being a hex from a witch or possibly even a ghost of sorts. This wasn't the usual thing they dealt with, but surely it'd be just as easy as anything else. As soon as the two entered the medical facility, they flashed the front desk their fake badges before replacing them in their pockets again. "Special Agents Langdon and Walker, we'd like to see the recent bodies, both suicide victims?" Dean spoke in a questioning tone, in which the woman frowned and nodded, relieving herself from her duty temporarily to escort the Winchester's into the morgue and over to the two bodies lying on the examination tables. "Poor souls, these ones. It really is a shame..." the woman spoke with a deep frown before turning to leave the area, only to be stopped by the taller of the two.

"Uh, would you mind answering a few questions? Just a few details from the autopsy." he requested, in which the woman was pulled aside after she somewhat gladly obliged. Dean, on the other hand, stayed behind to examine the lifeless bodies that had been pulled out for their eyes only. As his green hues glanced up and down the woman's face, trying to find any other characteristics that could assist in finding out what spook they were hunting this time, but there was hardly anything but pale skin and cold lips. His focus then switched to the hole stretching from the middle of the woman's forehead to the middle of the back of her head; a perfect line with no stray bullet ash left behind. This definitely wasn't anything normal, even a blind man could see that. The dried blood that stuck around the wound is what caught the most of Dean's attention, which was evident as his heart sped up just that little bit faster. Oh, how he craved the sight of it more often. Warm, fresh, innocent blood dripping from the veins of whoever was unlucky enough to get in his way. The thoughts alone were exhilarating enough, and Dean could only imagine what that feeling was like. The feeling of absolute power and contentment within himself.

The distasteful train of thought was soon cut off by the clearing of Sam's throat, who was seen to be folding up his notepad and placing it back into his blazer pocket as the elder Winchester turned with a raise of his eyebrows, forcing any and all horrid intentions off of his face in a heartbeat, "Find out anything?" he asked with slight interest, in which Sam simply nodded and pursed his lips, "Turns out the couple were found with this card in the husbands pocket, looks like a palm-reader was the last person they saw before they.. y'know." he murmured, holding the purple business card up between his index and middle finger. After taking the card to look over it further, Dean made a 'not bad' face and nodded once, his eyes soon glancing up to meet his brothers, "Looks like we're going to meet a Josie Winters. She sounds hot." A sly grin drew onto the elder Winchester's shaped lips, though Sam only shook his head and sighed deeply before turning on his heels to exit the depressing room, "Let's just get this over with." he spoke, though Sam did have a hint of humour laced with his tone. They'd just have to see how this played out before they could come to any inevitable conclusions. After all, making a mistake in their type of business was never good.

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