02: Where's Josie Winters?

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"FBI, we're coming in, do not shoot!"
Dean shouted in a loud yet informative tone, just like he always did after a suspect had refused or not been home to open the door for them. In this case, it was the fact that the woman they were searching for was indeed not home. The elder stepped aside, allowing Sam to step forward and lean down enough for him to actually see the lock in order to pick it, since there wasn't any need to kick the door off its hinges. Dean simply smirked at that, Sam's height issues never failing to amuse him, even in a state as critical as his own.

As the door swung open after the younger Winchester was finished with it, the boys both pulled their guns out in unison, keeping the barrel lowered towards the floorboards for the time being as they slowly, yet cautiously made their way around the odd looking house. Each room seemed to be decorated similarly to each other, the purple, patterned wallpaper fixed with golden edges and glow-in-the-dark astronomy stuck all over the place, though every planet and every star seemed to match up perfectly. If the brothers had to guess, they'd say a Witch lived here. Then again, the crystal ball and leftover sage in the middle of the living room carpet made it pretty obvious all in itself.
"Find anything?" Sam asked as they crossed paths in the clean kitchen, one in which Dean was inspecting before his brother entered. "Found a great big pile of witchy crap in the other room, no Witch though." he mumbled beneath his breath, in which Sam just nodded and held out his free hand, a mini gun sitting in his palm. "This was in the bedroom." he slid it across the counter, Dean's hand reaching out to stop and examine it. "No bullets?" he asked with a furrow of his brows, confusion settling in. "Maybe she used her last few on that couple, went out to buy more, but... this all seems a little too easy, don't you think?" Sam asked with suspicion lacing his voice, in which the elder brother was quick to spite back, "Who cares? We got evidence, now let's go gank this bitch and close the case."

Sam would be lying if he said that didn't surprise him. One minute the guy's talking about how 'hot' this Josie girl sounded, now he wanted to just kill her straight up. It was like dealing with a murderous, bipolar brother.
"Dean, we can't just go and kill her. Besides, we don't even know where she is."
"Why not? We wanted to solve the case, and I'm trying to solve the case. The Hell's your problem, Sam?"
"My problem? Look, no offence, Dean, but you're the one with the freakin' Mark of Cain here. I get that we haven't found a reasonable cure for it yet, okay? i get that, but you need cut me some slack, man. We can't just kill every suspect that may or may not be involved in a case."
Dean was quiet after that. Too quiet. But it wasn't hard to read the unspoken words that were hanging onto the end of his tongue. The look of sorrow, annoyance, and uncertainty in those green eyes that used to hold more hope and more faith than anyone could ever imagine. It hurt Sam's heart to even think what was going on his his big brothers head. He sighed softly, guilt washing over him.
"Dean, I'm--"
"Forget it, Sam."
His words were cold and harsh, and they sure as Hell shut Sam up faster than you could say Mississippi. The elder Winchester just grabbed the mini gun off the counter and walked past his brother, purposely bumping shoulders with him on the way. Sure, he'd admit that he was screwed up. He'd admit that he was a failure, a disappointment, an embarrassment, but he was trying, and no one, not even Sam, seemed to acknowledge that. Or maybe he was, but wasn't openly supporting him. He'd settle for the latter, though.

Quick steps were made out the front door and towards the Impala, though slower ones remained behind them. Sam's, no doubt. He had stopped to read a cursive, handwritten note on the side of the doorframe. It was neat, and it was definitely something of interest. Sam took the time to get his phone out and take a picture of the note, his hands shaking a little out of surprise once a loud beep of the Impala's horn rang through his ears. The younger Winchester quietly scowled at that, taking the picture shortly after before making his way out the front door and closing it behind him. He flashed his brother a light glare as he slid into the passengers seat, soon sighing deeply and shaking it off. "Take a look at this." he spoke after a few moments, flashing the screen of his phone towards Dean, who just squinted slightly in order to read the neat writing.

' All for you, my darling girl. Stay safe, and stay away from the men in suits. I love you, always. – J '

"Son of a bitch.. only figures she knew we were coming. Dammit." The elder Winchester scowled to himself, tightening his grip just slightly on the steering wheel as he started the engine, the familiar roar of it coming to life somewhat calming Dean. Sometimes, he thought his Baby was the only thing that never let him down. Not once.
"You think whoever this was to will be back?" Sam asked, creasing his brows and pursing his lips in thought as he stared down at his screen.
"I doubt it, which is why we need to find this Josie Winters before anyone else gets killed." Dean spoke, and at that moment, they both knew that they were unfortunate with limited time and close to nothing on leads. If worst came to worst, the boys would surely figure out something. They always did.
[A/N: These are so short ew, my motivation is actually non-existent lately. I'm sorryyyy. I'll try write longer chapters in the future. *^* ]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2016 ⏰

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