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"Your Jason right? You live across the street?" She turned to Jason.

He nodded. "I do. It's a great neighborhood."

"Of course. So do you all go to the same school as Angelica?" She looked around at all of them waiting for a reply.

And that was the last nice question before all hell broke loose.

Chapter 10: Dinner

"Yea, we all actually have some of our classes together." Cole replied politely.

"Oh, well, I guess you know each other pretty well then." My mom smiled at them. My dad then decides to join in on the conversation.

"Pretty well?" He chuckled. "If any of you are thinking of dating my daughter just know I'm not going to kill you." He starts off, I rolled my eyes knowing where this was going.

He says this to all my guy friends. He said this to Andrew and I'm pretty sure he said it to Shane at the door before asking for his ID. Obviously after a couple of months my dad saw that me and Andrew were only friends so he stopped bothering him; and by bothering I mean threatening.

"Nope." He shook his head. "I might bury you in sand or shoot you with a paint ball gun when you don't expect it or maybe even run you over with my car. But I won't kill you. Bruise you, sure. But not kill you." He says calmly as if that was a normal, everyday conversation.

I turn to the boys to see them all with a shocked expression, except for Jason. Jason had a devilish smirk. I started to slightly shake my head, knowing he was up to something.

'Don't' I mouthed to him as he glanced at me then at the boys. They both looked at him slightly confused and he just nodded as if they know what was happening.

He glanced at me once more, giving me a wink before clearing his throat and getting everyone's attention.

Oh no.

I put my head into my hand knowing this was going to be bad.

"Actually, Mr. Monroe," He stands up. "Your daughter and I," I looked up at him bringing my head up, off my hand. "have been discussing our relationship lately and we decided that today would be the day," He continued.

I sat up strait and glanced around the table. He had everyone's attention. Dad was glaring at him, mom had a blank face on, staring at him. Reece had a grin, he was enjoying the show, he knew were weren't dating. Then I glanced at Cole and Dean. They were trying to hide their smiles, happily eating their pizza. I looked back at Jason.

I knew he was joking, Dean and Cole knew he was joking. Even Reece knew; but my dad didn't. I turn to my dad again, he was pissed. He looked ready to explode, but that didn't stop Jason. Oh no, I think it actually motivated him.

"Therefore, I would like to say that your daughter and I, are in fact, dating." He said proudly, pulling me up next to him.

I gave him a horrified look and start to shake my head turning to my dad. "N-no. Dad, no, he's kidding. It's a joke. See," I let out forceful laughs, trying to show him it was only a joke but my laugh faded as he continued to glare at Jason.

"I hope this is okay with you sir, we've actually been dating for a while. Im actually surprised you haven't found out already." My mouth dropped open as he slipped him arm over my shoulder.

I then remembered how he was slightly limping earlier today, so I took a shot and kicked his leg. He bent over a bit, trying not to wince. He looked at me what the hell written all over his face and I glared at him.

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