Chapter five:Warning

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Featherpaw was on patrol with copperwing Runningpaw,Her mentor whitesky,Dovetalon,ivyheart,sageleaf and silverpaw."Smell anything?"Whitesky asks Featherpaw.Featherpaw scrunches up her nose."Nothing"Featherpaw comments.Silverpaw snorts."No surprise"She remarks."I smell something"Ivyheart raises her head into the sky."Rouges!"Sageleafs hackles raise as two cats come out from behind a bush."Why hello there"a wise red calico Tom with a fluffy tail walks over with a black Tom that had a scar across his muzzle."We are not here to hurt you"The black Tom calms them down."Then why are you here!"Whitesky snarls."To warn you"The red calico puts his tail around Whitesky."About what?"I ask confused.

"DUSTSTAR!"Sageleaf Yowls."What?"The wise leader walks over from the fresh kill pile,his deputy trailing behind him."These rouges,they must tell you something"Whitesky moves out of the way to let them see the two sturdy toms."ROUGES!"Snowpaw Yowls.She and runningpaw sprint over."Greetings"The red calico licks his paw."Who are you?"Willowwhisker asks."I am flame,this is scar"The Fluffy red calico says."Well then,what are you here to warn us about?"Duststar eyes them."Twolegs"scar says blankly."They are tearing up your forest,if you stay you'll surely die"Flames calm eyes go as round as plates."There has been,and always will be four clans"Duststars mew was bitter and cold."But-"Dustarar cut off scar."But nothing,we are staying and that's that"Duststar turned to leave."YOULL DIE!"Flames voice was edging in worry."We can mange,now leave our territory before we make you"Dustars claws unleashed."Very well"flame dips his head and leaves with scar.

"Duststar"maplefur mews."Yes maplefur?"Duststar meows."I would like to become an elder"."Very well"

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