The Gifts

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It had been 2 years since Gracie's accident. Melody lit the candles on the cake while Avi passed out plastic plates and silverware to all of the party guests. His parents were in town and he smiled at Gracie as she climbed up in his mom's lap. They had come a long way. They went from being complete strangers eating together in a park to Melody helping with touring as she continued you to write. Gracie had come a long way as well. Her english was second nature and she had moved with Melody to a small condo in LA near his apartment. He, at first, begged them to move in with him and said that Kevin could get his own place but it was Gracie who put her foot down and told him that she wanted a girl club where no boys were allowed. She even gave him a secret password to say when he came over which was "fiore", the Italian word for flower.
He picked Gracie up and put her in her special birthday girl chair and with the help of his band mates, sung a special version of Happy Birthday. Gracie clapped along to the song with all of her school friends, Melody, and his family as they sung. It warmed his heart to see everyone together. Melody pulled out her camera and started snapping pictures as Gracie blew out her candles and everyone started clapping. Darren had showed up and let himself in just as the cake cutting began.
"Sorry I'm late everyone. I got stuck trying to find the perfect gift," he said as he shook hands and hugged necks.
"You went over board again, didn't you?" Melody asked, handing him some cake.
"Well at first I got her one gift and then decided to get another one because it just made sense."
"Well put it on the table. We are going to do gifts after cake."
Avi began to shake as he accepted some cake from Melody.
"Are you alright, love?" She asked.
"Yeah! I'm great. Just a bit of a sugar rush."
She saw straight through his lie but didn't say anything. She just smiled and went back to serving cake to everyone. His mind began racing. 'What am I going to say? What am I going to do? What is SHE going to say?'
He felt a hand on his shoulder and saw that it was Kevin, leading him into Melody's office which was just down the hall.
"You ready bro?" Kevin asked as he shoved cake into his mouth.
"Ready as I will ever be," he replied. He hadn't even touched his slice of cake yet. His stomach was doing cartwheels and he didn't want to run the risk of throwing up when the time came.
"Just relax. Everything is going to be amazing."
Avi nodded and offered Kevin his cake. It wasn't like him to pass on food but he knew that he just couldn't stomach it right now. His heart was beating a million miles a minute and he felt his palms begin to sweat. Kevin took it without hesitation and began eating it like it would be taken away at any second.
"Gracie and I went through it again a few times last night and she told me the same thing."
"Gracie is a smart kid." Kevin finished the cake just as Melody poked her head into the office.
"Sorry to break up your little he man woman haters club meeting but it's present time."
Avi and Kevin followed Melody back into the living room and Avi sat next to Gracie as planned. 'This is it. It's time.'
Gracie first opened Darren's gift which was a princess dress and Disneyland tickets. Gracie was so excited that she insisted Avi help her put on the dress over her clothes right then and there. She twirled for them a bit as Melody snapped more pictures before opening more gifts.
After a pile of books and toys were ripped from their wrapping, Avi crouched down in front of Gracie and said, "Honey, there's one more gift. Can you go get it?" Gracie winked at him as she ran into her room. Everyone was in on it except for Melody and they were all waiting on the edges of their seats. Esther had commandeered Melody's camera by claiming she wanted to take pictures of her with Gracie.
Gracie returned with a tiny blue box and handed it to him after kissing his cheek. The whole room went silent as Scott and Mitch lead Melody into the center of the living room.
"Why is everyone being so quiet?" She asked as she stood there surveying the room for any sign as to what was going on.
"Melody," Avi said as he took her hands in his.
"We met because I got lost in Italy. Not only did you show me that day the best place to get food but you also showed me that fate happens when you least expect it." This was it. He drew in a deep, slow breathe as he got down on one knee and opened the box to reveal what was inside.
"I promise to always be by your side, to love you and Gracie with all my heart, and to never let anything or anyone hurt you again."
Melody felt tears in her eyes and an uncontrollable smile as she placed her hands over her face in shock.
"Melody Rose, will you marry me?"
As soon as he asked she couldn't control her excitement and happiness any longer. Avi heard Esther snapping pictures right as Melody screamed, "Yes! YES! A thousand times YES!"
Avi slid the ring onto her shaking hand and got up from his knee to hold Melody tightly in his arms. The whole room clapped and cheered as he kissed her before picking Gracie up in his arms to give her lots of hugs and kisses as well.
"We are going to be a family now!" Gracie exclaimed as Melody joined them by wrapping her arms around them both and kissing him again.
This was the most exciting moment of his life and he couldn't be happier. He had his friends and family. His best girls were finally his forever. 'Today couldn't be more perfect!' He thought as he heard Melody asked everyone to quiet down.
"There's still one more gift!" She said to the group.
As everyone went silent again, she took Avi's hands in hers this time and said, "today has already been an exciting day but Gracie insisted on telling you this herself. Gracie? Where's the card you made Avi?"
Gracie pulled a hand drawn card from underneath the coffee table and handed it to him. As he scanned the page he felt his knees go weak, sat in his chair, and he began to cry he was so happy.
"What does it say!?" He heard Kirstie and Esther yell at the same time. Avi tried to contain his emotions as he opened the card and turned it around to reveal the words "You're going to be a daddy," written in bold, bright colors with a positive pregnancy test taped underneath.

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