Chapter 3

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As soon as I sit down, someone says, "Hi, are you new?" I don't know what emotion she's feeling right now, so I'm not sure how to respond. "Aww, shy?" She said. "Well, you have nothing to be afraid of, new girl." I sat there in shock... Wow, finally for once in my life, someone is being nice and reaching out to me. "I like your hair. Do you die it like that?... Wait what am I saying, of course you die it like that. I can be so stupid sometimes." She said. I finally blurt out, "actually I've never died my hair. The hour glass shape is all natural." "Wow, really?" "Yep!" I say proudly. "Cool." She said. "By the way." She said. "My name is Anna " "Nice to meet you." I say. "My name is Widow."

Another girl came over and sat at the table. She was a lot bigger than Anna and I. She sat down next to Anna. Anna said, "hi Liv, this is the new girl Widow. And guess what, her hair color and design is all natural." "Hi Widow, nice to meet you." Liv said with a smile. "Nice to meet you too." I respond. "Did your hair really always have an hour glass shape on it!" Liv asks. "Yeah" I say. "I've had it for as long as I can remember." "Cool!" Liv said.

A cool looking guy with black hair walked over to the table. He sat next to Liv. "Who's the new girl?" He loudly whispered. "That's Widow." She responded. "Hi, new girl." He said smiling. "I'm not new." I blurted out. "What do you mean?" And asks. "I haven't seen you before." Liv said. "Well, I'm kind of a loner." I find myself saying. "You're not a longer anymore." Anna said proudly. "What's your name?" I ask the guy. "Mark." He said. He shoved a French fry in his mouth. "But my friends call me monster." "No we don't!" Anna said. "He's always trying to get a nickname because he doesn't have one." "Oh, well that's too bad, Markster." I say smiling. Mark looked at me with big, bright eyes. "You just gave me a nickname." He said smiling. "You are my new BFF." He said. The bell rang to dismiss us. "Aww man!" Anna said. "Well I'll see you guys tomorrow." She said. "You to Widow!" Everyone left for class, but I left with a smile.

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