Chapter 5

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        The final bell rang meaning that I could finally go home. I had to walk home because I refused to take the bus with Reese Peanut who happens to live on the same street as me. Ugh. I started to walk slowly towards my house. When, I see Reese Peanut heading towards me. Oh no! "Hi, Widow. How's life? So, I was thinking that most of our project should be pink. Don't you agree?" she said. "Umm... Why?" I asked.  "Because pink is the best color in the world and I want people to think that are pink poster about windows will look awesome." "I think you mean Widows... as in black widows." "Yeah sure whatever." she said. Well I guess that means that I need to get pink poster board. "Why can't we do a cost-less presentation on the computer?" I ask quietly. "Because, you an't put pink glitter on a presentation." She smiled and followed me home, requesting crazy things like a spider riding a dog, and her name written in huge letters across the top. I nodded as she made her requests. I don't think that I should fill all of them if I want an A. 

     When I get home I wave her goodbye, and run inside. I'm just glad that she didn't bully me. Maybe if I fill her requests she won't bully me anymore. I grab my purse and my bike and bike to the dollar store. Once i get there, I grab two pink poster boards (an extra one in case I mess up), a bottle of glitter, a pack of pens and pencils, some markers, crayons, and a sharpie. I also grab some chips and soda because I'm hungry. I bring it all to the cashier when I realize that I only have $12! I hope that I'll have enough! I scan through my items and realize that I already have crayons, pens, markers, and pencils. I take all of that stuff out of the cart. Now, I'll definitely have enough money! I check out my items and wonder, "HOW AM I GOING TO CARRY THIS ON MY BIKE!!!???" I try to get in a comfortable position with the poster board sticking out of the bag, and start riding my bike. All of the sudden, I bang my knee on the poster board an tip over. OW! None of this would of happened if I took the bus home and avoided that little Peanut! Now, my only option is to walk my bike home for twenty minutes. "Ugh!" 

       I wobble over to pick up my bike and trip on my shoe laces, landing face first onto my bike. That's one way to get there. At this point I'm ready to find a bridge and live under it! I head over to a bench near the store and sit down. I open my bag and grab out the bended poster board. Maybe I can return it? I quickly walk in the store and tell them that I fell and bended the poster board they agree that I could get a new one and I do, but this time I get a smaller one. Hopefully, it will be big enough for the Peanut.  I walk back outside and find my stuff safe an sound. Good. I sit down and eat some chips. I take a couple gulps of soda and ride my bike home. 

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