change of plans

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Grell looked confused. "Our room? Are we staying the while day?" William shook his head. The woman at the front desk saw william and smiled. "Welcome Mr spears. How long are you staying this time?" William smiled. "The entire week." Grell was shocked. The woman smiled and looked at grell. "And who is this lovely lady sir?" William wrapped his arm around grell and kissed her cheek. "This is my girlfriend. It's her first time here." The woman lit up. "My! My dear you are going to have so much fun here. Here you go Mr spears. Your room key." William smiled. "Same room?" The woman nodded. "Top floor. Just how you like it." William smiled and took grells hand. "Thank you. Let's go honey." Grell followed william silently up to the top floor of the 12 story resort. " William. Why didn't you tell me we were staying all week? We have work tomorrow." William smirked. "About that. I talked to the head counsel. And requested vacation time. For me and you as well." Grell looked at william surprised. "Seriously? And they said yes?"William nodded as they reached the room. "Here we are. My private room when I stay here." William opened the doors to reveal a lavish suit with a balcony. "How often do you come here?" William put his finger to his lips. "Hmmm. I guess I usually come here once a month and stay for a weekend." Grell widened her eyes. "That's where you disappear to after work on fridays?" William nodded.

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