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Grell woke up very early feeling nauseous and ran to the bathroom. Her puking woke up William and he ran to her side. "Grell what's wrong?" She kept puking. He grabbed her hair so it didn't fall in the toilet. When she was done she flushed the toilet and sat on it. "It must have been something I ate last night." William gulped and kissed her head. "I'll be back. I'm going to go see if sebastian has any nausea medication." Grell nodded and william left. Grell felt uneasy so she went to her bag and rummaged through it. She pulled out a pregnancy test, she always keeps one in her bag for emergencies. She took the test and waited for the answer. What she saw was shocking. "I-It can't be." Grell looked at the positive pregnancy test. She hid the test and sat back down just as william came back. "Here grell. Take some advil." She nodded and grew pale. "Grell? What's wrong? Are you going to puke again?" Grell shook her head. "Then what is it?" Grell took a deep breath and showed william the test. He grew paler than she was. "Y-your pregnant?" Grell nodded. William stood up. "Ummm. Now what? What do we do?" Grell looked away. "I don't know william. I've never been pregnant before. After all before we did it. I was a virgin." William nodded and sat down.

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