A New Assignment

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The scent of leather wafted in the room, with the soft sheen of sunshine, splashing onto the brown rug, she was oh so familiar with. Having been in the room since basically birth, Silly Jilly Artifex began to mindlessly arrange some flowers in a vase. They were bright, red roses. Her mother's favorite flower, and her father's favorite color. 

A pang of sorrow stabbed itself into Silly's hardened heart. It had been a month since her father had died on the line of duty. Protecting Sam Gladiator, Grian and Taurtis from her used to be friend, SirCutieYuki. The sweet, pink haired girl, Silly had come to trust, ever since she and her family had moved into the city, had become the one who ended her father's life. She only felt vile contempt for the now dead, fellow student.


Her mother's voice brought her out of her reverie. Resurfacing back to reality, the shy, quiet girl peeked up at her mother underneath her long, golden and brown bangs. Looming over Silly, a concerned frown plastered on her thin lips, Okami Artifex let out a sigh of relief. She flashed a closed smile at her daughter, giving her an affectionate pat on the head. Taking a seat behind the mahogany desk, Okami stapled her fingers together. Silly could feel the air around them tensing up. Besides, it was a habit of her mother's to touch her fingers together when a serious matter was at hand.

"What is it... Mom...?" she softly asked, alert and ready for anything.

Okami stared at her daughter, sizing her up for the task at hand. She would very much rather take the assignment on herself, but she had to be near headquarters just in case some worldly disaster took place. Sighing through gritted teeth, the leader of S.W.A.T closed her eyes, and immediately opened them up again. Light blue had turned into a storming sea, and her sharp eyes were trained on Silly Jilly Artifex.

Feeling a pressure on her back that she had never felt before, Silly squirmed uncomfortably underneath her mother's gaze. Something big was gonna be handed to her. She could sense it in the air. Taking the initiative, Silly voiced her mind: "What is you would like me to do, Okami?"

Okami winced. Silly would never use her first name, unless she was dead serious and ready for it. Giving a soft nod, Okami went straight to the point.

"Do you remember Sam, Grian, and Taurtis?"

Silly's eyebrows shot up in confusion. Why was her mother bringing them up now, after a month of there "moving". After the whole fiasco with Yuki, Okami, and S.W.A.T itself, took it upon themselves to relocate the trio. They were underneath the protection of S.W.A.T by law and personal reasons/morals.

"Yes... I remember them. Why?"

Taking in a deep breath, Okami flattened the field for her daughter, "I need you to go and watch over them for a year. To make sure that they are safe and no one from the pass - especially those damned Yakuza's - has seeked them out."

For her part, Silly was shocked to her such a large assignment bestowed onto her. Sure she had been in fire fights, but she was still a rookie in training. Well... Until her final test that was. The final test always varied on who was doing it. So the test was never constant, and everyone stayed rather secretive on there's. Her final test was to be at the end of year. And if she wasn't there to take it...

"But mom!" Silly exclaimed, slapping both her hands loudly onto her mother's desk.

"I can't do that! What about my final test!?" she was hysterical at this point. Near to yelling, but not quite there yet, as she stared at her mother with, wide, doe eyes.

Okami was expecting this. Holding a hand up to silence her well trained daughter, she breathed out slowly and said, "This is your final test."

"... Huh?" blinking, Silly took a shaky step back. The news getting thrown at her was too much. Taking a seat, Silly bowed her head down and absently stared at the carpet underneath her feet. This was her final test?

"I know you won't like - I don't like it. But no other agent is willing to take it, and the rookies... Are well... Still rookies. At the most, you are, are one and only rookie, ready to assimilate into the agency." explained Okami as simply as she could, staring at her daughter with worried eyes.

Slowly, Silly nodded her head, her face still hidden from her mother's sight.

"... Alright... I can do it. I'll take it Okami." she finally stated, lifting her head up and staring at her mother with a ferocity equal to that of a lioness on a hunt. Silly could see her prey. The only problem, was that it was gonna take a full year to finish it. Having grown up around S.W.A.T, Silly knew very well that any day could be her last. She wanted to die as an agent, not as a rookie. But thinking of the three Stooges brought a softness to Silly's heart. For her friends, Silly was willing to do anything.

Okami smiled. She was proud to have such a noble daughter, ready for service.

"This won't be easy you know?" commented Okami, letting her hands fall onto her lap. She smiled softly at her daughter.

"I know, mom. But if you think I can do it, and it is my final test - then I'll do it. Besides," Silly stared past her mother, lost in a bit of daydreaming, "They're my friends. I need to protect them."

A smile flourished on Silly's face. Okami gazed proudly at her daughter.

"She's just like you Rowan..."

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