Tokyo Soul

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Adjusting the red rimmed, fake glasses she wore, Silly fastened her grip on the handle of her satchel bag. The train station was more packed than she had thought it to be. She had just arrived in the main terminal of Tokyo's train station. It had been a week since her mother had told about her final test. In that one week, she had relearned many things that had already been drilled in her head - how to fight, how to shoot a gun, etc, etc. Stressful, but nonetheless needed. When she had parted with her mother, a few tears were shed, but promises of seeing each other someday again were made.

Silly tried not to think of her parting too much. It stung whenever she thought of her mother's tear stained face. Trying to keep her thoughts at bay for now, she passed through security with ease and jogged up the flight of stairs leading into Tokyo. Taking in the sights around her, Silly could have sworn she lost her breath. Dazzling lights shrouded her vision, tall buildings leaned over her, and many people - holding colorful umbrella's and wearing bright kimono's - passed by her. There were late night shops and restaurants still open, as Silly realized just how hungry she had gotten.

Walking, as to not get in the way of any pedestrian, Silly gazed around herself in bewilderment. This was nothing like her city back home. This was the complete flip-side of it. It seemed as if the night life were just starting, as she spotted groups of friends leaving karaoke bars, cars flooding the roads, and many clubs still pumping and blazing.

"Wow...." was the only thing Silly could coherently mutter. She was blown away with the beauty of the city, but at the same time, the hustle of the place was distracting her greatly from her nighttime sightseeing. Having to keep up pace with the crowd around her, Silly became dizzy with all the lights and passerby's. Quickly, she scanned the area for any place she could rest at.

Spotting a restaurant that was just across the street, Silly glanced quickly to her left and right, and made a mad dash to get to the place swiftly. Having crossed the street safely, Silly paused and took a step back. Gazing up at the sign that flashed red, white, and orange, Silly sounded out the words: "Sushi... Wushi...?"

The name was rather catchy, but odd at the same time. Shrugging it off for now, assuming that they sold sushi - hence the name - Silly stepped through the sliding door entrance. Finding herself in a small hallway, a desk pushed up to the far side, right after another opened sliding door, Silly smiled ruefully at the pink haired girl, behind the table.

Bowing respectfully, the pinkette cheerfully invited Silly into the restaurant: "Come inside! Come inside! Welcome to Sushi Wushi, where we serve the best sushi ever!"

The pink hair, with the white bow, and cheerful demeanor instantly reminded Silly of Yuki. Feeling a twitch in her hand - the reflex to grab her gun when she felt threatened - Silly calmed herself down. Breathing in and out, slowly and quietly. She trailed behind the pinkette, trying hard not to think of Yuki.

"Here you are customer! Oh, might I know your name please?" the girl asked kindly. She was so much like Yuki when she first met her. Silly shook her head lightly, dismissing the thought.

"Oh. My name is Sapphire. It's nice to meet you...?" Silly reached out a hand in greeting, intentionally letting her sentence sound like a question.

"Oh, my name's Jamberite! It's a pleasure to meet you too Sapphire!" taking her head, Jamberite vigorously shook Silly's hand. After letting her go, Silly couldn't feel her arm for a good minute. Jamberite flashed a smile and quickly went to go get a menu for her.

Taking a seat in the chair she was assigned to, Silly gazed out the window, watching people walk about and cars roll in and roll out. As one pedestrian blocked her view, Silly caught a glimpse of herself on the glass. Blue hair was neatly layered behind her back, bangs brushed off to the side, and silver eyes, covered with fake glasses, stared back at her. Her attire for the night consisted of jeans, plain sneakers, and a beige trench coat. She looked nothing like her original self. Good.

Falling into her roll comfortably, Silly smiled and thanked Jamberite for the menu, as the bubbly youngster went about serving other people. Stomach grumbling, complaining for food, Silly eyed the menu skeptically. Soft music played in the background, and the buzz of conversation could easily be blocked out. It was nice and warm in Sushi Wushi. The sound of new voices though, flooded the peaceful atmosphere of the restaurant, as Silly curiously gazed upwards.

She felt her heart stop beating for just a fraction of a second. 

Walking into the restaurant was none other than Sam Gladiator, Grian and Taurtis. Trailing behind them was DomRao. Silly had to admit - she had momentarily forgotten that Dom was also relocated. She was surprised to see them in the very restaurant she was, but knowing that they wouldn't recognize her, Silly played it cool and calm, like a cucumber. From what she was seeing, the four of them were well, safe, and most of all, visibly happy. Silly could feel a small smile lifting up her lips. It was great to see them again, even though they wouldn't be able to see her. Besides, she was on a mission. She couldn't let them know of her presence. It was time to watch out for the four boys she considered to be close friends. 

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