7 Deadly Sins

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The Seven Deadly Sins:
Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, Pride

Lust- An insatiable need for sex or things of a sexual nature. This includes thoughts, desires, and actions. If this need is unfed, it can lead to masterbation, rape, and even beastiality. Lust is fed by any of the aformentioned means or viewing pornography.

Gluttony- Over endulgences of anything to the extreme, usually food or drink. Alcoholism is considered part of Gluttony. Drug abuse, Gluttony.

Greed- Greed is the need for material posessions or material wealth. If this need is unfed, a Greedy person may even resort to hoarding their goods, theft, robbery, or obtaining any material posessions by means of trickery, violence, deception, or manipulation. Greedy people usually are easy to bribe, or will take any bet or do anything for a dollar.

Sloth- Sadness, depression, or the inability to feel joy. Sloth is often confused with Gluttony, though I don't know why. Those who suffer from depression to an extreme usually have thoughts of or plans for suicide. Many times, Sloth can lead to another sin: Wrath. Those who have lost or lack love, usually fall into a deep state of Sloth.

Wrath- Extreme anger, rage, hatred, or a need for vengance or revenge. People who suffer with Wrath issues will often resort to taking the law in their own hands if they feel the justice system has failed them. To feed the need of Wrath, they may even turn to physical abuse of themself or others, murder, or even genocide. Wrath usually is a need to do harm to others. Dante described Wrath as "love of justice perverted to revenge and spite" according to the Wikipedia.

Envy- The need to have better or be better than others. The need to have the goods of others. Wanting what others have for yourself. Many times, someone with extreme Envous needs may turn to voyerism to feed the need to see what others have that the envious want.

Pride- Once considered a need to be the most beautiful, Pride can also mean a need for public acceptance in all acts. Pride can also be a need to be more important than others. Those who suffer with Pride issues, usually fail to give due complements to others, but instead fish for complements for them selves. They find ways to be better than those around them and usually have a "One Up" story. Pride is said to be the original and most deadly of the seven sins, leading straight to damnation.

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