♫ Chapter 3 : Where's Clarity?

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Cameron POV

To say Sean was scary is an uderstatemnt, but he's fucking intimidating. His eyes are always a stormy grey color, his jaw is always clenched and he's literally a mountain of muscles.

I know I'm a guy and I shouldn't be afraid, but you try sitting across from him on a table while he just shoots daggers at you.

I laughed nervously and shot him a smile as he glared harder, if that's even possible. It was currently lunch and I had Chemistry with Sean before the other guys join us, they haven't got here, so I'm surviving on my own.

"So how's the weather?" I asked, trying to make a conversation.

"Cloudy." Was his short answer.

I tugged in the collar of my shirt and pretended to fan myself, "It's getting really got in here, don't you think?"

"It's about 28 degrees." He replied.

I squirmed slightly, wishing he didn't have to be so cold. I was fiddling with my fork until I caught a flash of honey brown hair. I snapped my head in the direction and saw nothing. I looked back and Sean pursed his lips, also looking that way, as if looking for someone.

"Where is she?" He muttered under his breath.

"Sean! Cam! Hey!" I hear Liam call and I let out a breath of relief. Joseph had his usual smirk as he sat down beside me and winked at a bunch of girls.

"Hey, Sean, my man!" He teased and wrapped his arms around Sean's shoulder. Liam had a rugby tucked under his arm. Daniel wore a beanie and his black framed glasses that somehow didn't make him look like a geek and actually pretty good, while Ryan, well, he was creeping behind Joseph with a cricket in his hand.

"Has any of you seen Clarity?" Liam asked, somewhat worriedly.

Everyone shook their heads when Sean furrowed his eyebrows. He was muttering something under his breath and pulled out his phone, scrolling through as if scared he would miss something important.

Joseph slid closer to me from the round table, bumping me in the shoulder and arching his eyebrow at Sean, "He always gets worried over her." He smirked.

"You know, she might have had a last minute call right?" Joseph asked loudly to Sean.

"She would've texted me." Came his short replies. Everyone gave him a reassuring smile and went back to chatting. I hear Sean breath out a sigh, a crease between his brows, showing me he's worried.

I silently slid over, glancing at him but he remained expressionless. I kept on glancing over, hoping he would show some emotion until he cut me short.

"Are you done?" He asked, arching an eyebrow, this is the furthest I've seen of him showing that he's actually warm blooded.

"Yep." I said awkwardly.

For the rest of the day, we just hung out watching Liam and Ryan play football on the field as we sat on the bleachers, Joseph talking about girls as I gave my opinion.

"Like dude, I don't know if it's too soon. I mean, as far as I know, she could have a boyfriend." Joseph ranted to Sean, Daniel and I.

"Maybe you should actually settle down." Sean said lowly as he tucked his phone back into his pocket, swinging his bag over his shoulders and leaving.

Joseph looked at me expectantly, "I agree with Sean." I held my hands up in surrender as he sighed.

"Sean has always been...cold." Daniel started. "He wasn't the present Sean with bulky muscles, he used to be slightly overweight, looked down by kids and stuff. Our group never really noticed him but we stuck around Clarity a lot. She's the only girl in our group, she's sweet and caring, I hate to admit this but she's got all of us wrapped around her fingers. Sean included."

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