Chapter One: Losing in Some certain bet.

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(A/N: Whoo!!! The first chapter of The Bet! I really hope you like this cause to be honest to all of you I really missed doing a Elsa x Male Reader fanfict, but this time I'm gonna go on with the flow babe. *put on some sunglasses.* I'm so cool! Anyway, may I present to you, Chapter One of the Bet!)

(Y/N) (L/N)

"Are you sure this is where the party, Nick?" (Y/N) ask at his blue haired friend who has a smirk on his face.

"I'm sure, dude. Besides, we have still time to change." He says as he holds a pair of costume. A police uniform.

(Y/N) smirk and laugh, "You tell me." He says with a attractive smirk of his own and they both change and headed towards the party.

"This is a bet. (Y/N). Don't get much of the winning prize." Nick says to him confidently.

He send a smirk at him, "Are you kidding? Who's going to have a complete turned on, on the (Y/N) (L/N)." he says. True, (Y/N) is quite the lady killer of the century in Arendelle High School. He's also know as many girls by it's way like betting and making their feelings a total toys.

In other words, (Y/N) (L/N) is a total hottie and all the girls are completely bends over heels for him to be his girlfriend. Of course, one, his handsome, two, he got it all! The charm, the looks, the potential for being the school's hot of a trick! And not to mention, he got the money to buy things he always wanted, but what he never always get is a family to depend on.

Nick smirks and look at him when they both arrived at the wooden door, not to mention the music is been heard outside of the door. "You ready?" He asks.

"I'm always ready, Nick." He answered.

They both enter the door, "YOU ALL ARE UNDER ARREST!" Nick shouted which cause the music to ceased and the crowed to look at them both.

"FOR NOT INVITING US!" (Y/N) say it this time and he take off his sunglass which cause the girls to squeal when they notice his (E/C) eyes.

"It's (Y/N)!"

"OH MY GOD! He's so hot!" One of them said.

"Alright, settle down everyone! Before we do what we have to do. We have a little surprise from all of you, guys." Jack says as she raise to empty jars in the air.

"Whoever, drops some money in this jar. The two of them will strip their clothes one by one! Now..." (Y/N) and Nick proceed to the stage with a smirk of there own and let the music flow. "Let's began the strip bet!!!" Jack shout and allowed the music to go on.

One of the girls drop a $100 bill on (Y/N)'s jar which cause him to take off the dark blue polo he was wearing. One of them drop a 20 dollar bill and he take of the white sweat shirt.

Which cause the girls to squeal for more as they saw his notorious abs. As the strip bet goes on, (Y/N) was already declaring as the winner when he remove his pants and the only thing his on was his white shorts.

Nick was still complete with his clothes and his jar was completely empty. He then removes his vest and there was it written.

'If I win.' The girls reads the letters on Nick's white shirt. He removes his pants next and there it was a new message to the crowds. 'You will have a free kiss to (Y/N).'

The girls squeals in excitement and drop there money to Nick's jar and filled it up which cause (Y/N) to stare at him in disbelief. "What the--?" He mutters.

Nick was declare as the winner. "Yes! I finally defeat the (Y/N) (L/N)!!" He shouts when (Y/N) was given some kisses on his cheeks by the girls.

"What the heck just happened?!" He says.
As if he was utterly shock and as if he's not even in this world.

Jack smirks, "I'll tell you what just happen! You just got lose on the bet for the first time!" He says.

(Y/N) (L/N) had been lose on the bet for the first time! As if it was just a nightmare for him. "Finally! I beat the legendary lady killer!" He heard Nick says.

Here's the thing about losing a certain bet, When you lose you have to do the most stupidest thing ever. Just like doing some of your friends request. So this is the reason why (Y/N) never like to lose and now he did. He doesn't even know what should he do.

He felt a hand over his shoulder and saw Nick has a smirk of his own. "Ready for another bet, (Y/N)?" Nick ask.

"If you're going to make me poop some money, you better get some better bet than that!" He says confidently.

Hell just got lose.

(A/N: that's quite shorter than I thought, but who cares! It's the first chapter! And I really hoped you guys enjoyed it! Still got more things to do to make this fanfict a complete success! And you do remember about what I said about releasing the first chapter of this fanfiction, well changed of plan cause I really missed you guys to be happy and I really appreciate you guys for supporting my stories anyway, guys! Thank you so much!

~Everlark2K16 signing out)

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