Chapter Two: Elsa Winters and The Bet.

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Elsa Winters

It was monday, dismissal of the first year colleges. And there it was a room that is filled with light, but there is a thought that no one is there but there one person, or even two.

"Aren't you going home?" The blonde haired male asks.

The platinum blonde haired female look at the blonde in front of her, "I still need to finish this, Christian. Besides, you could go home right now if you want." Says platinum blonde female.

"If you say so, Elsa. Remember we still have a upcoming test tomorrow. So don't stress yourself up, and I know you being the Student Body Coordinator and all, but I know the responsibility." He says.

Yes, it's true Elsa was the SBC President of the Arendelle University (AU) for short.

"Just go, Chris! You don't need to remind me about that. Besides, I already done my advance study the other day." Elsa says. Christian leaves the room when Elsa remain her focus on the pile of papers settled in the desk. In the fact that she's not just a student officer but she's also the honor student in her prestigious University.

Blue Icy Eagles as they say when you are part of the university's Volleyball team, and that's Elsa, She's the president, the player, and the honor student that everybody looks up too. But what everyone didn't know about her is she's a orphan at her young age and the only thing that she has is her Nanny to take care of her. She's not rich nor poor but she's in the middle scale of living.

But because of lack of money, she remains wearing her same shoes that she wore before her mother died in stage 4 cancer. In her living status Elsa was both Student and a working student. Actually she's working at the Heaven's Tea Shop with Kristoff Bjorgman her best friend.

Fairly, Elsa Winter's life is between the ups and downs of the roller coaster ride that she usually expected. At least it's one of her success to be the 3 perspective of her life.

(Y/N) (L/N)

"So, what's the plan, Nick?" (Y/N) ask as he sway his bag on his shoulder and leaning against his (F/C) sport car.

"Usually, every time we lose a certain bet, or someone lose a bet." Nick says and look at James his brother. "You have to do the bet what we asked for." James continued.

"And since I beat you to it, I'll do the honor to ask you a bet that you will do." Nick says with a smirk and a followed chuckle. He look at (Y/N) with a mischievous smile on his face making the (H/C) haired male gulp.

Nick chuckle, "Relax, (Y/N). This one isn't that bad!" He says.

"What do you mean? The last time you done something like a stupid bet is when you make Jean broke up with his girlfriend . . . . In public!" He says.


"You know you're getting irritating! I mean why do you have to make this some sort of attention?" The red haired female ask as she felt a tug of her hand by a certain blue haired male.

"I can't." He sobs.

The fact that everyone is staring at them is really shameful as the matter of fact. "Just tell me already, Jean!" Said the girl.

Jean looked at the female with his eyes tearing up and kneeling beside the girl, "I'm sorry, Vanessa. . . *sobs*"

"Jeez, you're taking this too long! Just tell me already!" She says.

"I'm breaking up with you." Said Jean.

"You dick head!" She said and punched at the blue haired male face causing him to wince in pain and hold his face.

"Aw! Ouch!"


Nick laugh as he remember what happened and is so clear to his mind though.

He wipe his tear on the corner of his eyes and let out a chuckle, "That was surely the most epic love story I ever saw!" He laugh his heart out causing the blue haired male to hit his head at the back. "Ow! That hurts!" He said an glare at him.

"That punch is more painful than that hit, Fuck Head." Jean snarl at Nick.

"Anyway, I believe you still have the lady killing power right?" Nick ask.

(Y/N) smirk, "Of course, I do. You know nobody could resist the (Y/N) (L/N), right?" He says.

"Confidence! Ah! Now that what I see in you (L/N)! Now, since the lady power is almost working to the rest of the ladies here. I want to try something on you that can break your balls!" Nick says with a smirk.

That's when the gang saw the platinum blonde female exit at the university's gate. She was wearing black skin jeans, scratched blue snickers, and red shirt with blue hoodie. She has her hair in a usual pony tail and she's wearing a nerdy glasses as usual. She put on her headphones over her ears and glance at the male in her side.

Her? Elsa Winters?! (Y/N) thought to himself.

Elsa's blue eyes connect at (Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes. Elsa roll her eyes and release a grunt and ignored the stars tucked (H/C) haired male.

"I'm going to say this once, (N/N)." He was snap back to reality when he heard Nick's irritating voice filled his ears. "And listen up!" He says.

"You see her." Nick say and point out Elsa.

"Since, you're too confident about your own charm. I want you to do this bet, I want you to make Elsa fell in love with you and once she says, 'I Love You.' then the bet is off--"

"So that's it? When she says, 'I Love You.' the bet is off?" He says with a smirk. "Hold up, (N/N) boy! I'm not yet finished. When she say those words. Break her heart and leave her in the ditch!" Nick says.

"Nick! You know I can't do that, right? I can't break a girls heart! And besides, my charm can't even used to her! She's a man Hater!" He says.

"There are two options here, (Y/N). Either you break her heart or Touch Touch with your own Father." Nick says with a smirk.

"Argh! Fine, I'll do it! I'll break Elsa Winter's heart." He said.

(A/N: That's a wrap, everyone! And I really hope you like this chapter lately, I really tried to make this chapter to be funny and soon enough. I'm really laughing at the start of the Flash Back, it's really making my stomach aches. Anyway, if you had any Comments? Suggestions? Or Questions? Please feel free to comment down below or PM me. I really hoped you like this chapter so far.

~Everlark2k16 signing out)

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