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It had been a month since Taehyung and Jungkook started working. They had quickly adapted to this new lifestyle.

Taehyung loved bossing everyone around. It's fair to say he's allowed the power to get to his head. Everyone feared him, and rightfully so. Any mistake could cost them their job, and they were all aware of that, especially Jungkook.

Jungkook lived in fear everyday he came to work. He has witnessed Taehyung fire numerous people and for the dumbest of reasons. 

If someone didn't agree with what he said. Fired.
If they wore the same shoes as him. Fired.
If someone looked at him a certain way. Fired.

As Jungkook worked directly under him, he's constantly at the hotspot, so he made sure he was always at the top of his game. He became the ideal secretary, constantly obeying everything Taehyung offered him to do.

"Jungkook! Come into my office please" Taehyung shouted, sounding somewhat tense and loud enough for Jungkook to hear through the glass doors of his office.

Jungkook complied to his boss' wishes and quickly entered the office.

He saw Taehyung looking at his reflection in the mirror whilst fiddling with his bow. As he turned and saw the younger, his eyes lightened.
"Do you know how to put on a bow?" The raven haired boy saw that he must've been struggling to put on a bow tie which is why he sounded agitated earlier. "Yeah" he quickly answers and moves closer to help his boss.

Then it washed over him, he had never been this close to Taehyung before. He could see every detail of him, his eyelashes, his beauty marks, his lips. They were beautiful. He was beautiful.

Jolting out of his daze, he quickly makes a bow around the older's neck, "Done" he exclaims, quite proud of how perfect it turned out that he gave a toothy smile.

Taehyung looked back at the mirror in amazement, "It looks good. Thank you". This wasn't new to Jungkook. Although Taehyung bossed him around all the time, constantly sending him on errands, he always thanked him for everything he did, no matter how little it was.

The brown haired boy never failed to make Jungkook blush, "You're welcome" he finally responds, turning away quickly before the older realises his cheeks were covered red.


A/N: this was sort of a filler chapter and I know taehyung's hair is currently blonde but he's a brunette in this 😁

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