Another Day

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Ice Kingdom, Princess Crystal's P.O.V.

Another day, another night. Day after day after day.

We have had no fire soldiers come to attack the kingdom or the palace. I have overheard that the Fire Empire has declared war on us and that they want to show us that fire is stronger.

The rest of the kingdoms were friends with, but not the Fire Empire. No one knows the exact reason why the Fire Empire dislikes us. But I am friends with the Princess of Wind, Aerial, along with her brother, Prince Winslow and with the Prince of the Earth Kingdom, Prince Mordecai the Fourth.

I decided to go visit the Earth Kingdom.

I jumped out of my window and started to fly to there.

I'm not just any normal princess, mind you. I am a fox from my father's side, but I was wished to be able to fly when I was young.

It includes the magic from the Wind Kingdom by their sorcerer.


"I want to be with you guys in the air," I said.

"But you're a fox," Princess Aerial said, "You can't fly."

"But there is a way to make you take flight," Prince Winslow added, "Our sorcerer can find a way to make you fly."


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