Birthday Part 4

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Codys POV

We finally arrived at the Hollywood sign and I was so excited.  We stopped at the bottom of the hill. I got out first and then helped Hannah out of the truck. I grabbed the picnic basket and grabbed Hannah’s hand. We walked up the path towards the sign, talking and laughing. We finally arrived and the view was even more perfect than I thought it would. We put the blanket down right next to the H of the Hollywood sign and then sat down next to each other.

“Hannah, happy birthday. I hope it was everything you wanted it to be. I love you,” I said to her.

“It is. Thanks for everything Cody. I love you too,” Hannah responded sweetly.

I kissed her lightly and then pulled out the food I brought. I brought two ham and cheese sandwiches plus two Cokes (Hannah’s favorite.) She bit into the sandwich and smiled.

“This is so good!” Hannah told me.

We talked and made out as the night got later and later and later. Before I knew it, Hannah was sound asleep laying next to me. I layed down next to her and fell asleep with her.

We woke up the next morning snuggling with each other.

“Good morning beautiful. How did you sleep?” I asked Hannah happily.

“It was amazing because you were right next to me the whole time,” she responded.

“Awwh your so sweet,” I said back, lightly kissing her forehead.

We got up and put all of our scraps and stuff into the basket. We took a couple pictures to remember the night and walked back down to the bottom of the hill. We got back into the car and then headed back to Hannah’s hotel where we dropped her off.

I headed back to my house to take a shower and change into new clothes. I was planning on taking Hannah to a famous restaurant that all the celebrities went.

After a couple hours, I picked Hannah up and before I knew it, we were at the restaurant. Paparazzi was always outside because of how many celebrities came daily. I helped her out of the car and held her hand as we walked to the door. Multiple flashes flashed as we walked. We stopped and posed a couple times, turning right and left, as well as taking separate pictures. We finally decided to get a table so we walked in and had lunch. Hannah was going shopping with her best friend that moved here earlier in the year so she said goodbye and went with her friend to the mall.

I went back to my house and fell asleep. I was really tired so I didn’t have trouble falling asleep. I fell asleep thinking about how amazing Hannah’s day was and how tomorrows gonna be even better.


Hey guys Im so sorry I haven't been posting. Ill try to keep posting since school is starting tomorrow! First day of high school haha. Comment, Vote, Like, Share do whatever you can!


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